NGO field notes # 3 AMDA - Japanese and English

(These will summarised and put on the main site later)

AMDA - formerly Association of Medical Doctors of Asia
特定非営利活動法人 AMDA (元アジア医師連絡協議会)

東北地方 太平洋沖地震・緊急支援活動 5
仙台市では、ひきつづき避難場所となっている学校を巡回診療しながら、救援物資を配布している。 仙台市の青葉区の2ケ所の特別養護老人ホーム、宮城野区の3ケ所の避難所となっている小学校を巡回した。風邪症状を訴える人が多い。感染を防ぐには各自の 予防が大切ではあるが、震災後の粉塵が舞う、集団での避難所生活では、十分な予防をするのが困難である。
医師11人 看護師7人 助産師1人 薬剤師1人 調整員14人 計34人

Team report from Tohoku #4
AMDA team in Kamaishi City and the Town of Ohzuchicho, Iwate Prefecture:
On Mar. 15th four members of AMDA team working in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture moved to the adjacent Iwate Prefecture to work in one of the most severely damaged sites.
Upon their arrival in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture later that day, the team assessed the local condition, and has started to deliver mobile clinic services to the local evacuation shelters (Kamaishi Junior High School, Kamaishi Elementary School, Kamaishi City Public Gymnasium and Ohzuchi Kyudo Dojo) from Mar. 16th.
After seeing patients at the above-mentioned junior high school and elementary school, one AMDA doctor is now staying in one of the evacuation shelters around the clock to treat the patients. From Mar. 17th, one doctor will be joining the nurse stationed in the aforementioned public gymnasium.
The AMDA team is planning to further visit other evacuation shelters in the vicinity. As of now the town of Ohzuchicho is especially in a difficult situation as its administrative function has not been recovered at the moment; the town hall was heavily affected by the tsunami and even the town mayor has been missing.
AMDA team in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture:
On Mar.15th, AMDA team in Sendai City (five doctors, two nurses, one driver) delivered mobile clinic services to one nursing home in Aoba Ward and six evacuation shelters (local schools) in Miyagino Ward (each shelter holds 200 to 1,600 evacuees.)
On Mar. 16th, the team visited seven local schools to deliver mobile clinic services (the number of evacuees ranged from 90 to 800 in respective shelters.) Overall, the common cold is the most prevalent malady in the evacuation shelters as many of the locations has no power supply (heating) at the moment; there were patients that needed dialysis as well.
Through Mar. 14th to 15th, AMDA donated aid supplies to two nursing homes in Aoba Ward. The items include meals, water, meat, vegetables, rice, kerosene heaters and charcoals. While the cold weather continues, the health condition of evacuees is seriously concerned as electricity and food supplies are lacking in the area.
On Mar. 17th, AMDA's sixth team comprising two coordinators, two nurses and one pharmacist will be dispatched to the afflicted sites.
AMDA has so far dispatched 25 relief/medical personnel (as of Mar. 17th): 10 doctors, 4 nurses, 1 midwife, 1 lab technician, 1 pharmacist, 8 coordinators


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