NGO field notes # 2 Second Harvest Japan - Japanese and English

(These will summarised and put on the main site later)

Second Harvest Japan 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Second Harvest Japan’s Disaster Relief Plan

Currently, Second Harvest Japan (2HJ) is using all of its personnel power to work on the disaster relief activity for the people in Tohoku area affected by the Pacific earthquake. Here are what we are working on now: 1) establishing the network to recruit all kinds of items we need; 2) establishing safe and secure routes to deliver needed items to the disaster victims; 3) collecting information about what exactly the disaster victims need. With your support, we will engage in the emergency disaster relief and the reconstruction assistance that will follow the emergency action.
This is the list of needed items by local disaster victims:
Basic Plan
* 2HJ set up the Disaster Relief Office in Sendai city. The office is working to establish the logistics network of donated items for agencies and evacuation sites in Miyagi prefecture. The office also collects information about food and supplies the disaster victims need and we will keep updating the information on our website.
* 2HJ sends two large size 4-ton trucks (one non-reefer truck and one reefer truck) with emergency vehicle permits to Sendai every other day.
* Currently, many corporations and individuals donate food and supplies to 2HJ. We deliver the items up to Sendai. From Sendai, with support of local welfare agencies, our Disaster Relief Office is sending the donated items to the areas that do not receive major support yet.



平素よりフードバンク活動にご理解、ご協力を賜り感謝を申し上げます。標記の件につき、現在、セカンドハーベストジャパンは「東北地方太平洋沖地 震」被災者への緊急支援活動を、当団体の全能力を使い行っています。つきましては、もし御社でこの未曽有の災害に対しての支援活動をお考えのようであれ ば、是非とも2hjの下記活動を利用していただきたく、ご案内をした次第です。災害被災者への支援活動は、フードバンク活動がもつ機能のひとつです。 2hjとしては、支援品を募るネットワーク作り、被災者へ安心安全確実に届けるルート作り、被災者は今求めるものの情報収集と発信、に努めてまいり ます。この災害対策フードバンク活動を皆様方とともに、食等を通じた被災者への「緊急支援」、その後計画される「生活・復興支援」を行っていきたいと思い ます。

事務局 03-3838-3827
土日祝日の場合 担当:黒澤 09099743491


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