EVENT on April 2 "Nuclear crisis in Japan: What we need to know"

There will be translation for this event - see below.
◆◇◆◇ 『放射能って何?』さぽうと21 緊急講演会のお知らせ ◆◇◆◇
━『放射能って何?さぽうと21在住外国人向け講演会』━━━━━━━━━ ━ "Nuclear crisis in Japan: What we need to know"  ━━━━━━━━━━
■ DATE April 2, 6:00-8:00
■ VENUE:TKP Shibuya conference center Hall 3A
■ Speaker: Okamoto Tomohiro(おかもと ともひろ)氏
■ in Japanese with translation: Burmese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Chinese Spanish, Persian, English, French (as of March 30 maybe other languages too if you cna help with translation please let them know!)
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