Japan Earthquake Local NPO Support Fund

Japan Earthquake Local NPO Support Fund
March 18, 2011
The Japan NPO Center
On March 11, a devastating earthquake and tsunamis struck the northeast coast of Japan. In its aftermath, an all-out effort for rescue and relief has been under way, where effective mobilization of local and community-based NPOs (Non-Profit Organizations) will be a key for meeting the needs of different local contexts and sustainable recovery processes.
With this understanding, the Japan NPO Center, in collaboration with the Civil Society Initiative Fund, has established the Japan Earthquake Local NPO Support Fund. The Fund will be used by local NPOs which conduct much needed relief and recovery efforts. Donations to the fund will be collected from individuals, corporations and foundations in Japan and overseas.
Who will benefit from the fund?
Needs-based, swift and flexible use is the major feature of this fund. Recipients of the fund will be NPOs which qualify under the following eligibility criteria:
  • Local NPOs in the affected areas and its surroundings are eligible to receive the fund. No exact boundaries have been drawn and eligibility will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • No screening will be made based on the NPO’s corporate status, and grassroots groups with no corporate status are eligible as well.
The Japan NPO Center and the Civil Society Initiative Fund will consult and cooperate with intermediary organizations and/or community- based funds in the areas, which will also be eligible to use the fund.
 The collection of donations and the administration of the fund will be managed by the Japan NPO Center, whereas the fund distribution will be managed by the Civil Society Initiative Fund. We will ask those who donate 100,000 yen (about US$1,200) or larger to fill in the donation form. Please also bear in mind that up to 15% of donations will be used for administration fees.
Donation Form (WORD document) DonationForm-e.doc
 We thank you very much for your support.
 Please send your donation to:
Bank: Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank
Branch: Higashi Ebisu Branch
SWIFT/BIC (from overseas): BOTKJPJT 610
Account Holder Name: Nihon Enupiioo Senta Oen Kikin Guchi
Accounty Type: Ordinary
Account Number: 3046512
Contact and further information (regarding donation)
Mr. Kazutaka Sakaguchi, Japan NPO Center
Shin-Ohtemachi Bldg. #245, 2-2-1 Ohtemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004 Japan
TEL: +81-(0)3-3510-0855
FAX: +81-(0)3-3510-0856
Email:ksakaguchi  AT  jnpoc.ne.jp
Website: http://www.jnpoc.ne.jp/
Twitter(Japanese):  jnpoc
Contact and further information (regarding fund distribution)
Mr. Kenji Sakamoto, Civil Society Initiative Fund
Shin-Ohtemachi Bldg. #267-B, 2-2-1 Ohtemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004 Japan
TEL: +81-(0)3-3510-1221
FAX: +81-(0)3-3510-1222
Email:ksakamoto AT civilfund.org
Website http://www.civilfund.org/


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