Food drive - March 22- 24

Japanese translation to follow.  日本語訳は英文の後に続きます。
This drive is open to non-members as well.

The Tokyo American Club is holding a food drive to support the humanitarian efforts under way for those affected worst by the devastating March 11
earthquake and subsequent tsunamis.
The food drive will take place between the hours of 10:00 - 15:00 on
March 22, 23 & 24. Donations should be dropped off on the B1 family
side. Volunteers will assist in moving them to the collection location
in the Women’s Group classroom, “Gordon Suite” (adjacent to the B1
Member Services Desk).
Food items most needed are rice, miso, nori, canned foods (vegetables,
fruit, fish & meat) and noodles (soba, udon, ramen, spaghetti). The
items must be undamaged, non-perishable and with ample time remaining
on the expiry date.
Non-members may also donate food items. Non-members should advise the
staff of their purpose at the main entrance gate, and then proceed
down the ramp to the B1 family side where they drop off their
donations and then exit the club via the same ramp.
The food drive is being held in cooperation with Allied Pickfords
Japan, SIRVA Relocation and Second Harvest, who are providing
transportation, logistics and distribution.
Thank you in advance for your contribution.

Great East Japan Earthquake Campaign Task Force
Tokyo American Club




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