Funds being raised and finally distributed

Below is an out line from a TV PROGRAM i saw on Friday morning (4/8)about the monies raised and later simple info from NHK on the distributions plans decided on Friday April 8.

RE: 義援金 Gienkin donations
130,000,000,000yen from a wide array of sources
Sports figures businesses and celebrities
For example:
Softbank’s Mr. Son 100,000,000,000 personal donation + corp.
SMAP 4,000,000,000yen

Donations boxes are everywhere
Karaoke rooms
Convenience stores
Sports events
All types of shops

People give as they feel there is nothing else they can do
Poll in central Tokyo 93% said they gave some gienkin

But where is the money going????

Words for donation in Japanese – not well understood by the public
義援金Gienkin – money will be given in cash to survivors
支援金Shienkin – money will be used for support services
寄付金kifu kin  - general donations
カンパKampa – general donations, like in a change box

Huge amount of money has been given but none given to the people yet
April 6 total Gienkin type of donations
Japan Red Cross 1,0833,3332万円 => 108,333,332,000yen
Red Feather 2014,830万円 20,148,300,000
130billion+ yen

Update from website
April 7, 2011 1746,238 donations totaling 1,1333,2270,907
1,746,238 donations totaling 113,332,270,907yen

Compare to Kobe
平成7131 ~
平成8131日 2,645,040件 1,0067,8971,076円(受付窓口閉鎖)

Kobe EQ money distribution timeline:
1st payment after 2 weeks
100,000 yen per person missing or dead
100,000 yen per housing destroyed or half destroyed
2nd payment after 4 months
50,000yen per person
1,000,000yen for education, child support
3rd payment after 1.5-2 years
– Remaining monies divided up for life support
At this point the agencies know how much was given in total and they divide up the money in a number of categories

* First payment is the hardest – not sure how much money or how many people.

After Kobe – guidelines were set up - Process was set

Money goes to the prefectural government which in turn distribute the money to local Governments
Amount distributed depends on the local governments assessment of need

Assessment of need comes from people filling out 罹災証明書
"Certificate of damage"
People fill this in and then the local government submits list of needs to pref. government that then sends out the money
Amount of money given has to do with this assessment as well as how money is raised.

At 4 weeks nothing has been sent yet – a few main issues
1. Systematic problems – how to verify?
Evacuees often have no id or proof where they are from, who they are,
 City halls have also been destroyed, staff killed – no records to check in many cases
In some evacuation centers,

2. Scale issues – this time 15 prefectures have been affected
Some evacuees are housed far from home, no local government representative to help them
* Kobe EQ damage was concentrated in and around Hyogo pref

3. Committee did not come together until 4 weeks after the disaster
First meeting on Friday April 8
Members JRC, Red Feather/JCC + reps from 15 prefectures

Supported by MoHLW


Gienkin Donation distribution standards decided

The committee held on March 8 to consider how the distribution of earthquake donations East,
350,000 yen per person killed or missing per person => payment to families
350,000 yen per family => destroyed houses
180,000 yen per family => partially destroyed houses
350,000 yen per households => within a radius of 30 kmof the fukushima nuclear power plant,
Also it includes foreign tourists who were visiting the affected areas.
Gienkin earthquake donations received have exceeded 120 billion yen in 3 weeks
Donations made and given to the Central Community Chest/Red Feather + Japan Red Cross
* Still accepting donations

Because of widespread damage in the earthquake and tsunami, distribution occured late

With the cooperation of the Ministry of Health held a committee meeting to consider the allocation. Committee included representatives from 15 prefectures, as well as the Japan Red Cross and Central Community Chest/Red Feather. 15 prefectures will allocate donations to the disaster survivors.

Next, the distribution committee of these each municipalities will be set up to decide a final distribution of money based on the standards set on April 8th and to be delivered by the victim through the municipality.
There will be another committee meeting to examine standards for the distribution to Injured personts and in the case there homes above floor level have been.

4/ 8 Committee to divide up donations
One of the main reasons for doing so late is the extent of the damage and the need to get people from all 15 prefectures to agree publically


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