APRIL 14 EVENT REMINDER "Disaster and Recovery in Japan"

Disaster and Recovery in Japan
Thursday, April 14, 2011
7:00-9:30 PM 

Venue: The Wesley Center
6-10-11 Minami Aoyama

Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062


Price: Members 3000 yen, Guests 6000 yen * includes light buffet and drinks
NOTE: Men are also welcome as guests at FEW monthly meetings and events.
Please sign up in advance if you can: few@gol.com
Get more information: www.fewjapan.com
ALSO we will be collecting donations of fem-care products, and new underwear, bras and other essentials for women in the effected areas.  Please bring something for the women in Tohoku - we can only accept new items in unopened packages. 
Disaster and Recovery in Japan
Panel discussion on what is being done, what you can do, how we can help and how we can prepare ourselves in the future. We will have a presentation from each panelist and then a time for questions. Please join this important FEW meeting so that we may come together as a community and add our own resources to the relief efforts underway for the immediate, short and long term.

Please share this event information with anyone who might be interested in finding out more!


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