What has Karoshi got to do with Fukushima disaster?

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015

What has Karoshi got to do with Fukushima disaster?

Rika Morioka (Myanmar Partners in Policy and Research)

November 11th, 2015: 18:30-20:00
Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, bldg. 10, room 301

This talk explores the culture of overworking manifested in the phenomenon of karoshi and its link to the gender differences observed in the perceptions of health risk of radiation in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.  The author argues that in contrast to young mothers who expressed their concerns towards the health risks of radiation exposure, fathers who were working for dominant institutions were uninterested in the health effects of the radiation.  The talk examines Japanese masculinity rooted in work and breadwinning role in the family and the economic interests of the nation state that impacted the national response to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima.

Rika Morioka is a Ph.D. Sociologist in Medical and Cultural Sociology, working in the field of international public health.  She has worked with the United Nations agencies and International Non-Governmental Organizations in various projects including disaster responses.  She currently leads a research and policy agency in Myanmar.  Her publications range across a variety of topics such as gender difference in risk perceptions in post-Fukushima Japan, health legal activism among Japanese housewives, death overworking in East Asia, and recovery processes in drug treatment programs in the US.

No prior registration required/ Lecture in English

http ://icc . fla . sophia . ac . jp/html/events/2015-2016/151111_Morioka . pdf

Institute of Comparative Culture, Sophia University
7-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 102-8554, JAPAN
+81-(0)3-3238-4082 (Tel)
http ://icc . fla . sophia . ac . jp/index . html


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