"After Katrina and 3.11: Representation, Politics, Culture"

Fri., June 8, and Sat., June 9,
"After Katrina and 3.11: Representation, Politics, Culture"
@ Sophia University in Yotsuya

Experts discuss the Katrina disaster in New Orleans and some of the ways in which Katrina research could prove useful for Japan.
Symposium on 3/11 and Katrina: When Japan was hit by an earthquake and devastating tsunami last year, people all over the world looked on in horror. But for people in New Orleans, the pictures from Japan must have felt like deja vu of their own disaster, Hurricane Katrina, which flooded the entire city back in 2005.

The symposium will be conducted in English.
The Saturday session will also offer simultaneous Japanese translation. All events are free and open to the public.
For map or more info, please visit www.sophia.ac.jp/eng/e_top or call (03) 3238-3539


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