Tohoku community leaders report - may 16

Community Leaders Report

DateWednesday, May 16th 2012
TimeDoors open: 17:00, Event start 17:30 to 20:30
VenueHitotsubashi Memorial Hall 2F, National Center for Sciences Building
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
AccessGoogle Map
LanguageEnglish and Japanese
EntranceFree. Contributions (to reconstruction focused charities) welcomed.


During the past 12 months, a great deal of progress has been made in terms of relieving people's immediate needs, yet years of reconstruction stretch ahead in Tohoku. And while the Government of Japan is of necessity first addressing major infrastructural needs, the view from the region's cities and towns is understandably more focused on the minutiae of repairing the social fabric of communities that have literally been torn asunder.
On May 16, 2012, The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce and Tohoku Planning Forum, supported by 16 national chambers of commerce and Hitotsubashi University ICS, will present GIVING BACK TO JAPAN 2: Community Leaders Report, a public forum featuring leaders of cities and towns across Tohoku, whose communities face different reconstruction issues and are at different stages of reconstruction.

Invited Speakers

The speakers will be the following mayors:
  • Kimiaki Toda, Mayor of Ofunato
  • Kiichi Numazaki, Mayor of Yamada
  • Hidetoshi Watanabe, Mayor of Aizu Misato
  • Tsuneaki Iguchi, Mayor of Iwanuma
  • Yoshiaki Suda, Mayor of Onagawa
Television and radio presenter Peter Barakan will guide a discussion about communities rebuilding processes and ongoing needs, as well as allowing the elected officials to present their suggestions for ways in which individuals and organizations can help their communities toward their goal, followed by a buffet and networking opportunity.


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