"Women Leading Social Changes in Japan." October 18th, 2016

In celebration of JWLI's 10th anniversary this year, we are hosting the Tokyo Summit titled "Women Leading Social Changes in Japan." It will be on October 18th, 2016 (Tuesday) at the Tokyo American Club in Tokyo.

The summit will: 
  • Highlight successful cases of social change in Japan achieved by women leaders
  • Learn from U.S. experience including fundraising - What’s different and similar? What can Japan learn?
  • Showcase role models of women social sector leaders/social entrepreneurs in Japan, specifically in Tohoku, and JWLI alumnae
  • Explore obstacles for Japanese women leaders and how to overcome them, and what to learn from the U.S
Save the date on your calendar and check out our brand new summit website (jwli2016.jp) as well as the JWLI website (jwli.org) for updates.

JWLI is thankful for the generous funding from the U.S.-Japan Foundation and the implementation partnership with the Japan Association of Charitable organizations. 
Our Speakers

Mari Kuraishi
Keynote Speaker
Founder and President, GlobalGiving

Irene Inouye
Morning Panel Speaker
President, U.S.-Japan Council

Yuka Matsushima
Morning Panel Speaker
Founder, Cross-Field
JWLI Fellow

Emily Reichert
Morning Panel Speaker
Chief Executive Director, Greentown Labs

Minami Tsubouchi
Morning Panel Speaker
Executive Director, Beyond TOMORROW


The Japanese Women Leadership Initiative empowers Japanese women to become leaders and to make positive social change and innovation in Japan. Founded in 2006 in Boston, JWLI brings emerging entrepreneurial women leaders, the Fellows, from Japan to Boston for four weeks of hands-on experience and training with successful nonprofit organizations on nonprofit management and leadership development. During the stay in Boston, the Fellows develop an Action Plan, a step-by-step roadmap of turning their vision of social change into reality. After returning to Japan, the Fellows are expected to make a difference in the communities based on their Action Plans and to share the knowledge and experience from Boston with other women and leaders. JWLI is administered by the Fish Family Foundation and Simmons College School of Management’s Center for Gender in Organizations, and operated in partnership with Boston-based nonprofit organizations.
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