“3/11 as Crisis and Opportunity” Teaching 3.11 Issues, Materials, Pedagogy and Research

 Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Project Unit
 “3/11 as Crisis and Opportunity”
Teaching 3.11 Issues, Materials, Pedagogy and Research
June 29, 2012 (Friday)
Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus Library Building, level 9, room 921

The event is in English and Japanese
Free and open to all

More than a year after the triple disaster of March 2011, we have assembled
some of the most active and insightful scholars and activists working on
3.11 from a range of disciplines and perspectives to offer their responses
to the questions:
--What should we be teaching about 3.11?
--How can we teach it effectively?
For this workshop, each presenter has selected the most relevant materials
on 3.11 from their areas and contextualized them in a full syllabus. We
organized presenters into thematic panels to collectively identify key
issues and resources, to share pedagogical approaches and anticipate the
sorts of research that these syllabi can generate.

Workshop Schedule
10:00 Welcome Remarks
David Slater (Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sophia University, Director: Sophia
University Institute of Comparative Culture)

Panel I: Society, Politics and Protest
Rieko Kage (U. of Tokyo) Introduction to Japanese Society and Politics
Robert Pekkanen (U. of Washington) Civil Society in Japan
Satsuki Takahashi (Princeton U.) Recipes for Disaster: Cultures of Calamity
in East Asia and Beyond
Love Kindstrand (Sophia U.) Battlefield Tokyo: Space, ritual and the right
to the city

Panel II: Science, Energy and Mobilization
Daniel Aldrich (Purdue U.) The 3/11 Disaster from Historical, Comparative,
and Social-Science Perspectives
Habu Junko (U.C. Berkeley) Anthropology of Japan: Environment, Energy, and
Contemporary Japanese Society
Tao Yoichi (Kougakuin U.) 東日本大震災の復興に向けて ――福島県飯舘村での地域再生の試み / Towards the Recovery of the East Japan Disasters - An attempt at
regenerating the land of Iitate village, Fukushima
Sharon Traweek (UCLA) Downwind: Disaster Futures, Sciences,
Governmentalities, Villages, Subjectivities, and Memory Practices

13:00-14:15: Lunch break

Panel III: Community, Rebuilding and Communication
Shinji Yamashita (U. of Tokyo) 災害の公共人類学─東日本大震災を中心に /
Public Anthropology of Disaster - Focusing on the Great Disaster of East
Kimura Shuhei (Fuji Tokoha U.) 社会人類学特論/災害人類学 / Advanced
Anthropology/Anthropology of Disaster
Liz Maly (Disaster Reduction and human Rennovation Institution) Thinking
about Post-Disaster Housing Recovery after the 3.11 Earthquake and Tsunami
Todd Holden (Touhoku U.) Mediating the Unforeseen: Cases and Cultures of
Communication during Crisis

Panel IV: Overviews and Crowd-sourcing
Dai Nomiya (Sophia U.) 3.11学 / 3.11 Studies
Edward Fowler (UC Irvine) Japanese Literature: Advanced Texts / 「東日本大震災を中心に」
David Slater (Sophia U.) Oral Narratives of post 3.11 Tohoku

Panel V: Introducing and utilizing databases
Lisa Onaga (UCLA) Teach 3.11
Ted Bestor (Harvard U.) Digital Archive
Andrew Gordon (Harvard U.) Digital Archive

17:30 Close
This event is made possible by a generous grant from the Japan Foundation.


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