International Women’s Day 2012 (IWD)

Background information:

During International Women's Year 1975, the United Nations began celebrating March 8 as International Women's Day. In December 1977, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace. Since then, each year around the world, International Women's Day (IWD) has celebrated throughout the month of March with hundreds of events occurring all over the world. IWD is an occasion to review how far women have come in our struggle for equality, peace and development and also offers an opportunity to unite, network and mobilize for change. Each year a collation of nonprofit organizations, governments and women's groups from around the world choose a different theme that reflects current global and local gender issues. In recent years, IWD has focused on the violence facing women in homes and in conflict all over the world.  The 2012 theme is CONNECTING GIRLS, INSPIRING FUTURES If every International Women's Day event held in 2012 includes girls in some way, then thousands of minds will be inspired globally.

If you would like to write an article related to this theme you can post on the IWD website where women are sharing news from all over the world.

In a few days - I will include an English list of Japan IWD 2012 events on
 most of the events will be in Japanese

Resources and links:
UN Women Japan
Women watch website Website:
International Women's Day website:

International Women’s Day 2012 related events in Japan:
Sunday March 4
International Women's Day rally!
Advocacy for the abolition of nuclear power and promoting women’s rights
For more information or to sign up

Thursday, March 8, 6:00-8:30
Annual women’s day Event
Theme: From a woman's perspective: Stopping nuclear power and the reconstruction of Tohoku
Venue miraiza ikebukuro
Access 5 min from Ikebukuro station
Sponsored by Zenroren
For more information: call 3401-6147 or visit

Thursday, March 8, 6:30-8:30
Annual Women’s Day Event
Theme: Don’t forget Fukushima! Continued radiation contamination.
Venue Asahikawa Shimin Bunka Center, Main Meeting Room
Fee: 5000

Friday, March 9, 9:00-3:00

Women’s day workshops

For more information or to sign up

Saturday, March 10,
Gender Equality lecture 
"Learning from Norwegian experiences" by Mariko Mitsui
Sponsored by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan
For details: Tel. 03-6408-8100

Saturday, March 10, 1:00-7:00pm
Annual women’ day Event

Theme: Tohoku disasters memorial  - Connecting women - Disaster, memory, and future

Venue: Maison Franco-Japonaise
For more information visit or contact
Sponsored by Rise Together for Women in East Japan Disaster

Sunday, March 11, 1:00-3:30pm
UN Woman annual womens day forum
Venue Yokohama gender equality center, Minamiota forum
To RSVP or for more information


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