More on Haiti and useful websites

The Humanitarian Times

The mission of The Humanitarian Times is to share news, knowledge and experience on subjects that span the broad spectrum of humanitarian action, among humanitarian workers in all corners of the globe. The Humanitarian Times is an independent not-for-profit publication sent free-of-charge to humanitarian aid professionals in over 100 countries. To Unsubscribe or Subscribe email

Charity Navigator has some tips as well as orgs they suggest. They also have a ranking of groups.

Tips For Funding Haiti Earthquake Relief Efforts

  1. Avoid Newly-Formed Charities and Give To An Established Charity That Has Worked In Haiti
  2. Do Not Give To The Haitian Government
  3. Designate Your Investment as for Haiti
  4. Do Not Send Supplies
  5. Be Careful Of Email Solicitations
  6. Seek Out The Charity’s Authorized Website
  7. Consider The Nature Of The Charity’s Work
  8. Be Inspired By Social Media, But Still Do Your Homework
  9. Avoid Telemarketers
  10. Do Not Expect Immediate Results, But Do Keep Tabs On What Your Donation Accomplishes


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