2016 JWLI Fellow Program Application Deadline: April 1st!

2016 JWLI Fellow Program Application
Deadline: April 1st!
30 days in Boston
10 visits to nonprofit organizations 
5 inspirational speakers
5 days of top-notch education at Simmons Collage
Countless conversations with nonprofit leaders
Limitless learning and growth
For application details, visit jwli.org/application.
The above descriptions are based on the 2015 program. 
Meet JWLI Alumni
"How I spend my time will be my life. The time I spent in Boston was precious time for my life. Powerful leaders empowered me, American spirit excited me, and learning about NPO inspired me."

- 2013 JWLI Fellow, Tomoe Yamada
“I would like to thank JWLI for an opportunity to meet incredible nonprofit leaders in Boston and to meet other fellows who truly understand the value of our experience together. We are now ready to take action!”

- 2014 JWLI Fellow, Megumi Ishimoto
“During the JWLI program, I learned the successes of nonprofit organizations in Boston. Now, I can help our partner organizations more effectively toward their successful futures. I want to contribute to a positive cycle of change in Japan through empowering working women.” 

- 2015 JWLI Fellow, Yuko Nakaoka


The Japanese Women Leadership Initiative empowers Japanese women to become leaders and to make positive social change and innovation in Japan. Founded in 2006 in Boston, JWLI brings emerging entrepreneurial women leaders, the Fellows, from Japan to Boston for four weeks of hands-on experience and training with successful nonprofit organizations on nonprofit management and leadership development. During the stay in Boston, the Fellows develop an Action Plan, a step-by-step roadmap of turning their vision of social change into reality. After returning to Japan, the Fellows are expected to make a difference in the communities based on their Action Plans and to share the knowledge and experience from Boston with other women and leaders. JWLI is administered by the Fish Family Foundation and Simmons College School of Management’s Center for Gender in Organizations, and operated in partnership with Boston-based nonprofit organizations.
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