Social Innovation and restoring Japan from 3.11

“Social Innovation and restoring Japan from 3.11
3.11 at Tokyo Futakotamagawa 11:00-14:30(Japan time)
presented by
i for Japan

[Language] English

[Date] 3.11 11:00-14:30 (Japan Time)
(Seattle 3.10 18:00 - 21:30)

[Location] “Future Center” in Tokyo.
2-21-1 Futakotamagawa Setagaya-ku Tokyo
Futakotamagawa rise office 8F

You can join as a online participant through Ustream

1st session
Our Social Innovation for restoring Japan
--7 min presentation from Social Entrepreneurs (90min)
Maco Yoshioka : Madorebonita(non profit)
Ryo Imamura : Katariba(non profit)
Kasumi Ushida : Tokyo satogaeri project
Tomoe Kawafuchi : One life Japan
Makoto Matsuura : Cobon (non profit)
Ayumi Suzuki : C's (non profit)
Komei Ishikawa : ETIC.(non profit)
Yuya Nishimura : Miratuku (non profit)

from Sendai (Tohoku)
Yuji Suzuki : TSK Miyagi (from Sendai / foundation)
Tetsuo Kato : World in Asia (WIA) (from Sendai)

from Seattle
Britt Yamamoto (from Seattle / non profit)
Adnan Mahmud (from Seattle / foundation)

--Dialog with Audiences and Speakers (45min)
Participants choose and join to a group provided by one of presenters.
They will talk about how we can do in 2012 for restoring Tohoku

2nd session
Dialog for the future in Japan and in Seattle
--whole dialog (90min)
Participants can make topic that they want to talk. It is also about what we should talk for the future. They also choose and join to a group provided by participants.

get more info ... (Yuya Nishimura)


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