WELL retreat - Talk on volunteering in Japan

On February 16 , i was lucky to join the WELL (Women Educators and Language Learners) annual retreat
at the National Women's Education Center in Saitama (http://welljapan.org/).

It was great to meet a new group of people interested in doing good in thier communities.
I will post photos later but for now here are some of the on line reosurces we used in the workshop.

My workshop was called Volunteer in Japan? Yes you can?

Japanese online resources:
全国NPO支援センターのリスト http://www.jnpoc.ne.jp/books/index.html
Japan NPO Center http://www.jnpoc.ne.jp/

OVAC http://www.osakavol.org/
TVAC http://www.tvac.or.jp

Yahoo! Volunteer http://volunteer.yahoo.co.jp
NGO/NPO Walker http://www.npo.info/

NPO Linkletter http://homepage3.nifty.com/npolink/
NGO Network Japan http://www.ngo.ne.jp

English online resources
The Foreign Executive Women’s (FEW) Volunteering Directory

Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation, JANIC

PSC events listing http://tokyo-community-news.blogspot.com/


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