speaking at a networking event Dec 17

Below is info on one of the groups here in tokyo that does networking - or rather they found me through the introduction of Jane Best from RIJ. I am going to go next week and sus it out. The schedule is not exactly set yet (except for the NPO networking time). But there will be 5 or 6 speakers and each get 30 min - 15 to present and 15 for discussion - some will be in E and some in J.
From Jan they will do this once a month and asked me to help find ngo npo speakers - might be a good merger for our monthly happy hours/luncheons.
Actually - I was just asked to give a short presentation on Nonprofit NGO outreach at this event on Monday night. come along and please do share the info with friends!

12/17 Mon) BIZ NITE MARKET! - STEREO @ Nishi Azabu The Baron

Art Nite Artists show and discuss their work
19:00 - 19:30 NPO Nite Organizations share successs stories and best practices.
Net Nite: Starling CEO Curt Sampson discusses the advantages of agile software development ( www.starling-software.com) Internet new info/networking.. And a fashion/lifestyle ecommerce & community site creator gives hints about their success
Politix Nite Political commentators and activitists brainstorm solutions with Japanese politicians
Music Biz Nite" href="http://www.stereojapan.com/Mj.ashx" target="_blank"> Music Biz Nite Record Labels, artists and other industry networking
Movie Biz Nite & Quick Flicks World" href="http://www.qfworld.tv/" target="_blank"> Quick Flicks World Directors show and discuss their short movies
Wellness Nite Health, longevity and lifestyle ideas. Presenters: 1. Aromatherapy expert. 2. Healthy diet specialist.
Photo Nite Photographers share their work and ideas
Fashion Nite Salonista planning
22:00 - 23:30 Networking DJ Party

The Baron: http://www.thebaron.jp 1F Emerald Nishiazabu Garden 1-8-21 Nishiazabu (03-6406-4551) Four minutes walk from Roppongi Hibiya Line Exit 2. Go past Roppongi Hills, turn right at Club alife, and its in front of you on the left, 1F.

12/25 (Tue BIZ NITE XMAS PARTY & REGGAE FASHION /LIVE ! - STEREO @ Roppongi Fifty-Seven (03-5775 7857)

l REGGAE FASHION & MUSIC EVENT & BIZ NITES XMAS PARTY 18:30-23:30 (Standard entry price 3500/3000 yen)

. There will be great entertainment from reggae singers, DJs, VJs and dancers, and a reggae fashion brands catwalk fashion show including Jamaican and NY food available. Please mail me to join the Biz Nites guest list for 1000yen entry. Tell me any number of people OK. (Please buy at least one drink) See directions above.

Please see www.stereojapan.com for more information. Biz Nite Market and Salonista events are supported by Vantan: http://www.vantan.co.jp/school/ )


12/17 (月 BIZ NITE MARKET! - STEREO @  西麻布 The Baron

Art Nite  アー ナイト アーティストたちが自分の作品を見せたり、ディスカッションしたりします。
19:00-19:45 NPO Nite  NPOナイト
様々な NPONGOの組織が成功の話やノウハウを交換して、スポンサーにアピールします。 .
Net Nite  ネッ ナイト: Starling
の社長Curt Sampsonがアジャイル・ソフトウエアの利点を紹介します。 ( www.starling-software.com) インターネットの情報とネットワーキング
Politix Nite
Music Biz Nite" href="http://www.stereojapan.com/Mj.ashx" target="_blank"> Music Biz Nite
Movie Biz Nite  ムービー・ビ ナイト & Quick Flicks World" href="http://www.qfworld.tv/" target="_blank"> Quick Flicks World
Wellness Nite  ウェルネ ナイト
健康、長生き、ライフスタイルの提案する場です。プレゼンター: 1.アロマセラピーの専門家. 2. 健康的なダイエット専門家
Photo Nite  フォ ナイト
Fashion Nite  ファッショ ナイト Salonista
22:00 - 23:30 DJ

会場: 西麻布 The Baron で行います。 ( 参考: http://www.thebaron.jp/   日比谷線六本木駅徒歩4分。2番出口を出て直進。alifeを過ぎて最初の角を右折。The Baronは左側です。●〒106-0031 東京都港区西麻布 1-8-21 エメロード西麻布ガーデン1F


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