
Showing posts from 2010

Dec 1 Seminar on child Labour

Wednesday, December 1, 7:00-9:00 International development Seminar: Working children: How kids can change the world Workshop on child labour and how children are making a difference(In Japanese) Speaker: Sanae Nakajima, Chair, Board of Directors, Free The Children Japan Location: Tsuda College Sendagaya Campus, 1Floor Conference Room, Tsuda Hall Fee: Free! Registration: By telephone (03-3402-7333) or online ( ). Find out more at

Enjoy some time with us on Dec 13!

Monday Dec 13 7:00-9:00pm Party to activate people in 2011 Meet people from different organizations, and share information about getting involved in nonprofit NGO projects, activities and events. Cost: ¥3200 Includes 2 drinks and appetizers. (cash bar open.) Venue: Kimono Wine Bar (03-6438-1685) Platinum Ct. 1F, Minami Aoyama 1-15-28 RSVP by Dec 8 to guarantee your spot. Space is limited!  Contact: rose.ito at

December events from the Anti-poverty network

Wish i could make the event on 12/9 - i went to school with the featured photographer Q Sakamaki. But i have an end of  the year party忘年会 that night - 残念!

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is released from house arrest!

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace laureate who was confined 15 of the last 21 years, was freed from house arrest. Imagine 2 decades of house arrest... What is next for Burma and the Burmese people?

Black Stripe Theater presents the award winning play Doubt

Black Stripe Theater presents John Patrick Shanley's Pulitzer Prize winning DOUBT. (See for details).

Come see Black Stripe Theater's production of Doubt!


DOUBT production coming to Tokyo!

Black Stripe Theater presents John Patrick Shanley's Pulitzer Prize winning DOUBT. (See for details). Information for November 16-18 performances Tues. 11/16th, 7:30pm Wed. 11/17th, 7:30pm Thurs. 11/18th, 7:30pm Venue: Iwato Theatre in Iidabashi Access Theatre Iwato, Iwato-cho, Shinjuku-ku on The nearest station is Ushigome-kagurazaka (Exit A3) on the Oedo Line. Other close stations are Kagurazaka (Exit 1) and JR Iidabashi (West Exit). Information for November 26-28 performances Fri. 11/26th, 7:30pm Sat. 11/27th, 2pm AND 7:30pm Sun. 11/28th, 2pm AND 7:30pm Venue: Our Space, in Hatagaya Access: Directions are also listed on the website. : Tickets: Reserved: 2,500 (reserved at least 24 hours before the performance.) Unreserved: 3,000 Groups of 10 students or more: 2000 each For tickets, contact Black Stripe by e-mail blackstripetheater@yahoo...

Nonprofit NGO visits for the IE3 Global internship program

As part of the IE3 Global internship program - i made a number of visits to nonprofits this week with Eric the Regional Director for Asia. Basic info in Japanese (needs revisions i know!) The details are on the Home site: The current hosts in Japan are: OurPlanet TV Shure University TELL Run for the Cure Foundation Peace Boat NOTE: The IE 3 program is only open to students enrolled at select partner universities in the Western United States. If your university is not included on the list of participating schools , you are not eligible to participate.

Journey to Hope - A Refugee Experience

First Ever Refugee Mobile Learning Centers In Tokyo, Yokohama and Kansai in October and November 2010 Journey to Hope - A Refugee Experience Oct. 15-17: Aka Renga Soko (Red Brick Warehouse), Yokohama. 10:00-19:00 Oct. 31: Ochanomizu University, Tokyo. 12:00-16:00 Nov. 13-14: Banpaku Kinen Koen, Osaka. (A WorldShift event.) 10:00-16:00 COST: FREE!!! RIJ is very busy getting ready for Journey to Hope, an interactive refugee experience using shipping containers in Tokyo, Yokohama and Kansai. Students will live out the "refugee experience" and children and adults alike will have the opportunity to learn about refugees through the exhibits, displays, activities and entertainment. Please check the website for details: Find the latest information about RIJ events and related news in one place at:

Global Festa 2010

It was a lot of fun - even for just 90 minutes! I got to see so many NGO friends and meet a lot of new people ... forgot to take pix again.

Link to Global Asia article on poverty in Japan

Age, Change and Poverty: Coping with Social Transformation By Sawako Shirahase "For decades, Japan was described as an “all-middle-class society,” a characterization that was always open to skeptical analysis. Japanese academic Sawako Shirahase probes the profound social changes Japan is undergoing and calls on policymakers and civil society to build a new social consensus that better reflects the new realities..." read more

Send a letter to your nations leader

How do you feel about the outcomes of the UN Summit and the review of the MDGs? there sure have been a lot of sample Success Stories that have come out in their publications but so much still needs to be done!   The original goal of .54 will not be enough to achieve the MDGs =>  we need to be active citizens and tell our leaders to follow through on promises. In the words of the people from Action Aid - the hungry can not eat promises. 3 things you can do: 1. learn more =>,,menuPK:336998~pagePK:149018~piPK:149093~theSitePK:336992,00.html 2. give some money - lots of orgs need your support 3. take action! has some sample letters you can use to send to your government's leaders. "Print out a simple letter to your government supporting 0.7% in international aid. If enough people in enough countries mail enough letters, this great objective can be ac...

Press release from Africa Japan Forum

☆=-=★=-=☆=-=★=-=☆=-=★=-=☆=-=★ ★プレスリリース 日本政府、世界基金に3年間で最大8億ドルの拠出を約束 =市民社会は増額を歓迎しつつも、経済規模を反映した 拠出の実現に向け、さらなる努力を要請= ★=-=☆=-=★=-=☆=-=★=-=☆=-=★=-=☆ ============================ (特活)アフリカ日本協議会・ 世界基金・日本NGO連携促進プロジェクト(プロジェクトRING) ◎東京都台東区東上野1-20-6丸幸ビル2F ◎電話:03-3834-6902 FAX:03-3834-6903 ※携帯:090-1264-8110(稲場) ◎電子メール: ◎担当:稲場雅紀・小川亜紀(国際保健部門) ※お気軽にお問合せください。 ============================ ★【2010年9月22日ニューヨーク】本日(22日)までニューヨークの国連本部にて開かれている国連ミレニアム開発目標レビュー・サミット(MDGs国連首脳会合)にて、我が国の菅直人・内閣総理大臣は、我が国が世界エイズ・結核・マラリア対策基金(世界基金)に対して、2011-13年の3年間で最大8億ドルの拠出を行うと発表しました。世界基金は、2011-13年の3年間における主要援助国の資金拠出額を占う「第3次増資会議」を10月4~5日にかけてニューヨークで開催しますが、菅総理のこの表明は、この「増資会議」に先駆けて我が国の世界基金への貢献の方針を明らかにしたものです。 ★世界基金は2002年の設立以来、エイズ・結核・マラリアの三大感染症との闘いにおいて、きわめて重要な貢献を行ってきました。同基金は、これまでに280万人のエイズ治療、700万人の結核診断と治療、1億2200万人のマラリア予防蚊帳の提供を実現し、多くの人々の命を救ってきました。しかし、三大感染症の分野でMDGsを達成するためには、今後、対策の更なる拡大が必要であり、世界基金が2011-13年の3年間でMDGs達成に意義ある貢献をするためには、合計200億ドル程度の資金が必要となると試算されています。 ★我が国のHIV/AIDSや三台感染症に関わる市民社会は、菅総理による発表に対して、基本的にこれを歓...

books about the J nonprofit sector

The Failure of Civil Society? The Third Sector and the State in Contemporary Japan ,  by Akihiro Ogawa. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2009, 285 pp., $25.95 (paperback ISBN: 978-0-7914-9396-0), $80.00 (hardcover ISBN 978-0-7914-9395-3) The Rise of Japanese NGOs: Activism from Above ,  by Kim D. Reimann. London: Routledge, 2010, 208 pp., $130.00 (hardcover ISBN 978-0-415-49802-9)

MDG summit 9/20-22 in NYC

Have a look at some different site to find out what is going on From the UN standpoint Asian Parlimentarians On aid from the stand point of NGOs About the hearings and speakers each day From the social media stand point

Have some research to share about nonprofit in Japan?

A lot of people would like to know about your research about the developments in the Japanese nonprofit NGO sector! The NPO gakkai is accepting papers for presentation about nonprofits in English for the next conference to be held in 2011 in Miyazaki.the deadline is only 2 weeks away - Oct 3 - get more info as well as the template and application form below.

Human Development Report 2010

20th Anniversary Edition will be coming out in November this year with some changes .... "The Human Development Reports produced since 1990 by the United Nations Development Programme are widely considered the most influential of the many regular reports by multilateral institutions. Unique among UN publications for their tradition of intellectual independence – though sponsored by UNDP, they do not represent its official views or policies – the Human Development Reports are best known for their innovative and often controversial analyses of critical issues, and for the annual Human Development Index, which was created as an alternative to income-based measures of national and individual well-being." download old copies or get more recent reports:

Global Festa group tour

Some people are hesitant to go to the Global Festa because they do not know anyone ... join me and some friends ... right now we have 2 ideas for when to go I work in the middle of the day so before or after my class join me for a Global Festa group tour: Saturday October 2 10-12noon or 4-5pm (to be decided by Sept 26 based on people's responses) Option A Saturday October 2 from 10 to 12noon Meeting time: 9:50 Meeting location: Hibiya Station (Hibiya Line) Exit A 14 Option B Saturday October 2 from 4 to 5pm Meeting time: 3:50pm Meeting location: Uchisaiwaicho station (Mita line) Exit A7 we can chat afterward over coffee or a beer.

Some responses to common questions i get about nonprofits in Japan

Q#1 Do you know how many registered NPOs there are and how many exist that are not officially registered? npo法人 42170 as of June 30 or July 31 this year depending on which site you look at! by issue break down by regions If you include social welfare groups or groups listed under the new 社団法人 system then the number is much higher this site has that type of org data i Q#2 # of unofficial or unregistered groups ??? not sure i have seen numbers like 80,000 and 200,000 but not really sure which is more accurate. Q#3 are here stats on ave size and funding? The japan npo center and japan foundation center used to have this data online but i can not find it right now please let me know if you find such data anywhere! * some old data (maybe 2002 or 2004 ?) Financial status: Average annual income per organization: 2 million yen. Average num...

Fall 2010 TUJ workshop series - NGO mgt.

Saturday, September 25, 1:30 – 3:30 The Role and Functions of NGOs (NGO 301) 10-part workshop series on the diverse approaches and methods NGOs use all over the world Deadline for applications: Sept 13 (3 openings left!) Location and Venue access: TUJ Azabu Hall main/maps/index.html For more information contact: Tel: 03-5441-9864, E-mail: To register or for more information visit their website: main/cont-ed/courses/ schedules.html Monday, September 27, 7:10 – 9:30pm Japanese society and Nonprofits (NGO 212) an 8-part workshop series on current issues in Japanese society and how Japanese NGOs are tackling them Deadline for applications: Sept 13 (5 openings left!) Location and Venue access: TUJ Azabu Hall main/maps/index.html For more information contact: Tel: 03-5441-9864, E-mail: To register or for more information visit their website:

Tsuda international training program Fall workshop info

■□■-説明会情報■□■ 受講を検討されている方を対象に、プログラムのミッションや概要、カリキュラム をご紹介する説明会を開催します。後半にプレイスメントも行い最適なクラスをご案内いたします。お気軽にご参加ください。 第3回 説明会 (9月16日(木) 19:00-21:00) 会場:津田塾大学千駄ヶ谷キャンパス 津田ホール1F会議室(最寄駅:JR中央・総武線千駄ヶ谷駅、都営大江戸線国立競技場駅A4出口)(地図: お申込はこちらから  津田塾大学オープンスクール事務室 〒151-0051 東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷1-18-24 TEL 03-3402-7333  FAX 03-3402-7688 国際機関・国際協力分野研修プログラム ■□■「International Development Skillsコース」)■□■ 関連HP: コース概要:キャンペーンマネジメントに関する様々な内容を学べるコースです。 企画・運営、事後の検証から次の活動へ展開する方法を学びます。春期はプログラムマネジメントに焦点を当て、秋期はキャンペーンマネジメントを取り上げます。冬期は組織マネジメントスキルのマネジメントを集中的に行います。 ◆研修期間: 平成22年9月28日~12月7日(火曜日) 19:00-21:00 10回 ◆研修場所:津田塾大学オープンスクール(最寄駅:JR中央・総武線千駄ヶ谷駅、都営大江戸線国立競技場駅A4出口) (地図: ◆インストラクター セラジーン・ロシート 津田塾大学オープンスクールインストラクター、 組織とプロジェクト能力開発コンサルタント 注記:授業は英語で行われますが、講師は日本語も堪能です。 ◆定員: 15名 ◆ 対象:次のような方々は、ぜひご応募ください! ☆ 非営利団体で新しい活動やプロジェクトを立ち上げ...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   VISIONARY INDIAN HUMAN RIGHTS LEADER T. RAVI KUMAR TO VISIT JAPAN Speaking seminars scheduled in Osaka on July 31st and Tokyo on August 1st July 16, 2010 (TOKYO) – The founder of Indian NPO, the Association of Relief Volunteers (ARV), and visionary human rights activist T. Ravi Kumar will speak in Japan for the first time this summer, in an effort to expand ARV’s message further than ever before on the international stage. Speaking seminars will be held on July 31st in Osaka and August 1st in Tokyo. The Osaka seminar will take place at Nishi-machi Koutou Kaikan (next to Shin Osaka Station, west exit) at 7-10-14 Nishi Nakashima, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi. The Tokyo seminar will be held at Star Lecture Rooms on the third floor of Kawagami Building at 2-22-17 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Seminars in both locations will be held in Japanese from 14:00 to 15:15 and in English from15:30 to 16:45. Founded in 2001 by T. Ravi Kumar, a human rights acti...


For Immediate Release July 21, 2010 Contact: Stephanie V. Grepo, Director, Capacity Building Programs Telephone: 212-854-7189; email: COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY WELCOMES 10 ACTIVISTS TO THE 2010 HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATES PROGRAM New York, NY — On Monday, August 30th, the Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR) at Columbia University will welcome 10 human rights activists as the 22nd cohort of the Human Rights Advocates Program (HRAP). The intensive HRAP curriculum is defined by academic coursework, skills-building workshops and networking opportunities with the human rights communities in New York and Washington, DC. By the time the advocates complete the program in mid-December, they will have acquired the knowledge, skills and connections necessary to further develop themselves as human rights professionals and their organizations back home. Through a competitive selection process, the 10 advocates were chosen from 170 applications representing 58 c...

Equality Now Urgent alert - Mexico: officials raided a high security women's shelter

" /> Equality Now has just issued an urgent alert - Mexico: Take action against the officials who raided a high security women's shelter in Ciudad Juárez , Chihuahua State . Please write to the Head of the Chihuahua State Supreme Court and the Governor of Chihuahua and ask them to take disciplinary action and prosecute the officials involved in the raid on the shelter for violating Mexico's General Law on Women's Access to a Life Free of Violence . Please click on the following link for further information: We hope that you will support this and our other Women's Action campaigns. If...

Horiba International Conference

August 19 & 20, 2010 Fukutake Auditorium , University of Tokyo - Hongo Campus Admission is free and advance registration is not required. A Tectonic Shift? Structural developments, reform policies, and the collapse of LDP rule The seismic 2007 Upper House election , the 2009 general election ushering the DPJ ( Democratic Party of Japan ) into power, and the recent Upper House election unequivocally demonstrate the structural collapse of the dominance of the LDP ( Liberal Democratic Party ), which had ruled Japan for most of the postwar period. The aim of this gathering in Tokyo , on the eve of the first anniversary of the DPJ's landmark victory, and on the heels of its first electoral rout, is to examine in detail the two developments the participants think caused a tectonic shift in Japanese politics, forever destroying the old LDP regime: political adaptation to the new electoral system, and the policy responses to recurring downturns of the economy, characte...

Groundbreaking case this past week on Trainees rights in Japan

Chinese trainee died of 'karoshi' THE ASAHI SHIMBUN 2010/07/05 In a landmark decision involving foreign vocational trainees, the Labor Standards Inspection Office in Kajima, Ibaraki Prefecture, has recognized the June 2008 death of a Chinese man working at a metal processing company as a case of karoshi, or death from overwork. The labor inspection office sent papers to prosecutors on Friday accusing the company and its 66-year-old operator of violating the Labor Standards Law by imposing excessively long work hours and failing to pay overtime. According to the office, Jiang Xiaodong, 31, died of acute heart failure while asleep in June 2008, three years after coming to Japan as a trainee. In the three months prior to his death, Jiang worked between 93 to 109 hours in overtime each month, the office said. The office also found that two other Chinese vocational trainees at the company had been forced to work long overtime hours, and that the trainees were paid only...

Polaris Project: seminar series ontrafficking in persons


July 10 Youth Japan's International Organisations World Cup

CITYNET Youth Japan's International Organisations World Cup taking place on July 10 in Yokohama. We are looking for individual players, teams or people to cheer. It is a FUN event so absolutely no worries about skill level! Please see flier for details. Nearest station: Motomachi Chukagai (10 mins walk) CITYNET Web: 5F International Organisations Center, Pacifico Yokohama 1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan 220-0012 Tel: +81-45-223-2161 Fax: +81-45-223-2261

Global Peace Index vid

~The Leadership Role of Women in Society~

Japan Women's leadership Initiative presents ~The Leadership Role of Women in Society~ The Time Has Come!NGOs can Change Society Sunday 6/27 13:30~16:30(受付13:00~) Center for the advancement of working women Hall, 4F Tokyo Shiba 5-35-3 Access map Cost: 500yen Presentations and panel discussion (with translation) ○「The Role of NGOs and impact on American Society」 Paul Grougan, Boston University ○「Womens leadership in NGOs in the US」 Patricai Denton, Sommon College ○「日本のNGOの課題」   Akira Matsubara, C's   Organized by the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs of Japan (BPW Japan)

June 27 event - The Leadership Role of Women in Society

~ The Leadership Role of Women in Society ~ The Time Has Come ! NGOs can Change Society さまざまな波や壁にあたる現代、それを乗り越えるには、市民の力とその結集・・・ NGO が社会を変える時代です。いま この変革の時期にあって、 女性の指導力 が求められています。 参加費 500円 東京開催 2010 年 6月 27 日(日) 13:30 ~ 16:30 (受付 13:00 ~) 会場: 女性と仕事の未来館 4F ホール 〒 108-0014 東京都港区芝 5-35-3 ℡ 03-5444-4151( 代 ) 福岡開催 2010 年 6月 29 日(火) 18:30 ~ 21:00 (受付 18:00 ~) 会場: アクロス福岡4 F 国際会議場 〒 810-0001 福岡市中央区天神 1-1-1    ℡ 092-725-9111 (代表)  http://www.acros.or.j p/ ○ 「アメリカで NGO が社会に果たしてきた役割」    ポール・グローガン :ボストン財団最高取締役 ○ 「 NGO の効果的運営と女性のリーダーシップ」  パトリシア・デイトン :シモンズカレッジ・ジェンダー研究所所長 ○ 「日本の NGO の課題」          松原 明 : NPO 法人シーズ:副代表理事        第 2 部 パネルディスカッション                  ※同時通訳あり       JWLI フォーラム 実行委員会         TEL 080-3967-4022   FAX   03-5304-7876   主催   特定非営利活動法人 日本BPW連合会  シモンズ・カレッジ(ボストン) 後援:内閣府男女共同参画局 【東京開催】共催:女性と仕事の未来館 【福岡開催】福岡県 福岡市  在福岡米国領事館

EMI program


Japanese Women’s Leadership Initiative (JWLI) 2010

2010年度 募集要項 Japanese Women’s Leadership Initiative (JWLI) 2010 これからの日本女性に求められるリーダーシップ育成研修 研修の概要  地域を変えていくリーダーとして活躍を目指す女性たちを支援するプロジェクトです。この事業は、アメリカ・ボストン在住の日系実業家が、母国日本の女性たちのために立ち上げました。これから、NGOが社会を支え、変化をもたらす大きな力となるはずであることは、世界でも日本でも同じです。 このプロジェクトの目的に添ってボストンでの研修を希望する女性を募集します。 JWLIの目的および研修内容:  以下の研修結果を生かして社会に変革をもたらすための社会貢献活動に参加することを最終の目的とする。 リーダーとして“確固とした《dream vision》をもつ事”を学ぶ。 アメリカのNGOの組織や運営方法を学ぶ。 ファンドレイジングについて学ぶと共にNGO で実習体験を積む。 Simmons Collage -School of Management コースの一つ"Strategic Leadership for Women" に参加する。 帰国前に《dream vision》のアクション・プランを作成・提出する。 帰国後に、アクション・プランに基づいた活動を展開し、その進捗状況を定期的に報告する。 今後のJWLIの発展に寄与する。 応募人数:若干名 応募資格: 1)年令 28才以上の女性 2)5年以上のNGO等での活動・社会経験またはビジネス経験をもつ者 3)帰国後、確固たるヴィジョンと夢をもって、社会活動に積極的に関与し、 NGO活動への積極的な参加意欲をもつ者 4)現地での実習に必要な英語力をもつ者 必要書類: 1)履歴書 (英文 及び 日本文) 2)小論文/英文エッセイ (A4で2-3ページ)  内容 *ボストンで学びたいテーマとその理由 *帰国後の具体的な社会貢献プラン 3)推薦状 (英文、A4 1枚、推薦者1名・・・所属するNGO役員などによる) 派遣期間及び派遣先:  2010年9月7日(火)~10月2日(土) アメリカ合衆国ボストン市内(宿舎は主催者側で手配) 研修責任組織:米国マサチューセツ州  シモンズ・カレッジ 担当者:Dr. Patricia Deyton...

NPO/NGO Networking Happy Hour: May 14

Friday May 14, 7:00-9:00 Open to nonprofit NGO volunteers and staff and anyone who wants to get involved in community service. Meet people from different organizations, share information about volunteering, and events. Location: JamRock Restaurant Café in Harajuku Cost: 4000yen per person includes Jamaican food (served tapas style) + 2 drinks Access info: RSVP by May 10 to guarantee you can get in (max is 40 people) Contact for more information.