Send a letter to your nations leader

How do you feel about the outcomes of the UN Summit and the review of the MDGs? there sure have been a lot of sample Success Stories that have come out in their publications but so much still needs to be done!
The original goal of .54 will not be enough to achieve the MDGs =>  we need to be active citizens and tell our leaders to follow through on promises. In the words of the people from Action Aid - the hungry can not eat promises.

3 things you can do:
1. learn more =>,,menuPK:336998~pagePK:149018~piPK:149093~theSitePK:336992,00.html

2. give some money - lots of orgs need your support

3. take action! has some sample letters you can use to send to your government's leaders.
"Print out a simple letter to your government supporting 0.7% in international aid.
If enough people in enough countries mail enough letters, this great objective can be achieved."


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