Volunteer opportunities

Habitat for Humanity Tohoku Volunteer Schedule
Mar 8th(Sat) to 9th(Sun) @ Miyagi (Community Revitalization Support)
Mar 15th(Sat) to 17th(Mon) @ Iwate (Self-Build Project)
Details: http://c.bme.jp/5/549/54/3832

P eace Boat Onboard Volunteers: A great opportunity for those people with language skills to further develop their capacity while contributing to the strengthening of global civil society. Peace Boat needs volunteer interpreters and language teachers to support its programmes onboard. They also need office volunteers and interns in different locations:
Peace Boat Internship Programme (Tokyo)
Peace Boat Centers: Japan volunteer opportunities (10 centers in Japan)
Peace Boat US: New York office volunteer opportunities
Disaster Volunteer leader training program: http://kentei.pbv.or.jp/

Volunteers needed: Nagoya Run for the Cure®/ Walk for LIfe 2014 is on Saturday, March 1st and PiNK Ball in Tokyo March 7, 2014 (Fri.) For more information, please contact Kiei Ogata at 03-6420-0860 or kiei@runforthecure.org or visit http://runforthecure.org/en/volunteer/

AITEN is an English-speaking group of Amnesty International members and supporters living in and around Tokyo. Some are from overseas; some are Japanese. We are professionals, teachers, homemakers and students. There is always scope for you to get involved depending on your interests and skills. How to Join AITEN: http://www.aiten.org/about-us/


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