Register Online for Nagoya RFTC/WFL 2014!

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詳細に関するお問い合わせは、事務局の緒方宛に03-6420-0860もしくは kiei@runforthecure.orgまでご遠慮無くご連絡ください。
Thank you for your continuous generous support of Run for the Cure® Foundation. The Foundation this year will continue its efforts to raise awareness about breast cancer, including through publication and distribution of PiNK magazine, as well as The Lemon Project seminars at companies and educational institutions.
Have you decided your New Year's resolution? Some may be determined to have a healthy lifestyle. Others may decide to exercise more regularly.
Nagoya Run for the Cure®/ Walk for LIfe 2014 is little more than a month away – taking place on Saturday, March 1st. Let's come together for this healthy running/walking event, to exercise and raise awareness together in the region! Online registration is available on our website.
For more information, please contact Kiei Ogata at 03-6420-0860 or
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©2014 Run for the Cure® Foundation | West Park Osaki 6F, 3-6-28 Osaki Shinagawa Tokyo 141-0032 Tel: +81-3-6420-0860 Fax: +81-3-3492-1202


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