Organizational Management Skills intensive weekend course Feb 15 and 22

Org mgt 2day 2014 (PDF)

Winter  2014 Intensive course @ TITP
Class schedule: Feb 15 and 22, 10:00-15:40
Objective: Develop skills for organizing & managing a Nonprofit NGO.
Overview: An intensive course focusing on the development of professional skills needed to manage organizations. Course themes include project, organizational structure, human resources, development, funds, fundraising and day-to-day operations management. Online readings introduce basic skills, techniques, and case studies.  Participants are expected to be active in class discussion, group work and complete presentations.
Language: All course materials are in English and classes will be conducted in English.
Course Outline
Day 1 themes and contents - Feb 15
1-1 Introduction to course and participants.
Introduction to nonprofit NGO and the mgt skills needed.
Creation of Mission and Vision statements
1-2 Organizational structure and leadership
1-3 Human Resource Management.
Board Members, Staff and volunteers
1-4 Basic project management
Seeing a problem and creating a solution
1-5 Group presentation - Project overview
Reading assignments for Day 1:
Capacity building for local NGOs: A guidance manual for good practice.
Chapter 0 Intro & contents
Chapter 1 The basics
Chapter 2 Organisational governance
Chapter 5 Managing people

Day 2 themes and contents Feb 22
2-1 Assignment review and discussion
2-2 Business plan, action plan and grant proposals
2-3 Fundraising and Financial management.
2-4 PR/ marketing and outreach
2-5 Group presentation – financial planning
Assignments for day 2:
Writing assignment - Write up an organization outline and brainstorm possible funding sources
Readings for day 2:
Capacity building for local NGOs: A guidance manual for good practice.
4 Managing finances
8 Publicity and fundraising


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