Tohoku Planning Forum Workshop with Arup and TPF2 Forum 1 December 2012.

Saturday 1 December.
an all day workshop session with Arup where we will be focused on "execution NOW". It will immediately be followed by a TPF2 Forum. It promises to be an exciting day! Please see the information below.

The venue will be Shibuya offices of Arup. See for all details. The workshop will commence at 1000hrs and finish at 1530hrs. We will have time for a brown bag lunch at about midday. The TPF2 Forum will be held in the same rooms from 1600-1800hrs. As always it will be on ustream too.

Working with Arup we have designed the workshop work around the following parameters:
1. Identifying Actors: What are the concerned actors and their needs, constraints, and opportunities?
2. Extending Principles: How should Ishinomaki's redevelopment principles be extended to transform the city and region in a truly resilient way - with taking local actors into account?
3. Formulating Visions: What are appropriate short-, mid-, long-term strategies and best-practices for following these principles?

We believe that a Knowledge Base approach using mapping for identifying, documenting and communicating best practices could be a useful tool during the workshop. We will also have various group works exercises in the workshop so that we can all extend our practical skills.

On behalf of Arup and TPF2 we look forward to YOUR input and to YOUR questions that will hopefully test all of us.

If you would like to come along please do. Seats are limited so please be SURE to sign up early for either event. You can find details on this
meeting and our activities/objectives at:

We can be reached at


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