
Showing posts from July, 2013

ARI’s 40th anniversary Event September 2013

Anniversary news “ Transformation at the Grassroots” –40 Years of Walking with Rural Leaders As part of the events celebrating its 40th anniversary the Asian Rural Institute is planning a commemorative ceremony and a symposium this September. We are expecting many graduates from around the globe to participate in that day. We invite you to join our program, to celebrate the course of our forty years long history and to look into the future steps of ARI. OUTLINE OF 40TH ANNIVERSARY EVENTS & PLANS Anniversary Ceremony and Symposium Monday, September 16 (public holiday) 11:15 40th Anniversary Commemorative Celebration 12:30 Lunch and get-together 02:00 40th Anniversary Symposium  Keynote speech by a graduate “Transformation at the Grass-roots”  Panel discussion 04:30 Closing Tuesday, September 17 10:00 Symposium (continuation of the day before)  Group discussion, presentation, conclusion 12:30 Lunch and get-together 02:00 Symposium (continuat...

August 3 Fundraising workshop

NGOにおける実用的ファンドレイジングのすすめ Fundraising for NGOs: Practical Hints (One-day Workshop) Instructor: Sarajean Rossitto Day/Time:   Saturday 10:00-16:30 Date:   August 3rd Hours:  6 (= 0.6 CEUs) Location:  TUJ, Azabu Hall ( Access Map ) Fees:  ¥17,500 (Friend of TUJ: ¥15,750) Application:  Simply  reply to this e-mail , specifying the course code, " PWW102-SU13 ". This workshop introduces the various ways NGOs raise funds and key fundraising issues. The workshop will concentrate on diverse funding sources and strategies. We will also look at particular case studies highlighting innovative fundraising techniques. The workshop will include a combination of lecture, discussion and group exercises with the expectation that each person will come out with some new ideas and plans. Participants will work in groups to create fundraising plans. Participants with diverse experience are welcome to join, but this workshop is not aimed at...

July 28 workshop - 3 openings left!

Education for Social Justiceワークショップ * please sign up by Friday July 27  - only 3 spaces left! 日程 7/28(日)10:00~17:00 【内容】 ワークショップ形式で学びます。水、児童労働、飢餓、人権、環境、健康などの現在のグローバルな諸問題をアクティビティやゲームを通して考え、Social Justiceに対する意識を高めます。 夏期集中講座 プログラムの受講をご希望の方は、インタビューなしでお申し込みいただけますが、講座内容を確認したい方、秋期以降のプログラムに関心のある方は説明会にご参加ください。

Future Polaris seminars!

July’s seminar. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------      Along with a report on out activities for our Akari project supporters , this year we will be holding our second “Introduction to Human Trafficking” seminar. Here we will answer many, and any, questions you might have.   For example:  ・ What is human trafficking? Does human trafficking actually occur in Japan?  ・ Might not child prostitution somehow be the child’s fault?  ・ So, what kind of work does Polaris Project Japan do?  ・ How can you stop human trafficking?  ・ What can I do to help? How can I learn more?      Our last seminar was a success with many attendees from the media, university students, businessmen and Akari project supporters . Since many of our participants are coming for the first time, we think this time will also be a great opportunity to meet new people and learn more about these important issues. We hope th...


10周年記念イベント:日本版創刊の地、 大阪でも開催します。 「『すべての人に居場所と出番のある社会』を考える」 ビッグイシュー誌創刊10周年記念の集いは、 東京では6月、8月、9月と3回ありますが、 大阪においても、開催が決定しました。 「『すべての人に居場所と出番のある社会』を考える」 をテーマに、 販売者が中心に主催し、ビッグイシュー創始者であるジョン・ バード氏を 英国より招いて行います。 世界的なビッグイシューの動向をジョン・バード氏から聞いた後、 「路上で働き、路上を通して社会とつながる」 ため10年を振りかえり、 大阪と東京の販売者自身が中心に話し合いを重ねてまとめた 仕事のあり方“販売の心得”(仮称)を発表します。 そして、ボランティア、会場参加者、 スタッフも一緒になった対話と 議論を行います。 日時:2013年9月2日(月)19時~21時 場所:大阪市中央公会堂 中集会室 登壇者:ジョン・バード氏/販売者登壇者3名( うち1名東京販売者)/ 販売スタッフ1名/編集スタッフ1名/ボランティア1名/ 会場の参加者/ 司会者(販売者)1名 参加費:一般1500円・学生1000円(小学生以下は無料) 定員:150名 お申込方法:お名前、連絡先(Eメール又は電話)を明記の上、 下記へお申込ください。  Eメール /Fax06- 6457-1358/電話06-6344-2260 主催:ビッグイシュー販売者会議/共催:(有) ビッグイシュー日本 助成:大和日英基金 連絡先:〒530-0003 大阪市北区堂島2-3-2 堂北ビル4F ☆8月4日、 9月1日の東京でのイベントもお申し込み受付中です。 詳細は以下のリンクから! anniversary.html


ONTANA COLORS JP PRESENTS URBAN CALLIGRAPHY / SIMON SILAIDIS SOLO EXHIBITION IN TOKYO, JAPAN 2013. 8. 10 SAT ~ 8. 20 Opening Party 2013. 8. 10 SAT 17:00 ~ 20:00 麹町画廊 Kojimachi Gallery 3-4-2 Kojimachi Chiyoda Tokyo 102-0083 / tel:03-3221-3953 Official Site: http://www.urbancalligraphy. com/ Video: Urban Calligraphy "Skyfall" URBAN CALLIGRAPHY / Simon Silaidis Urban Calligraphy, as the term suggests, is calligraphy within rural, urban and suburban surroundings. It is unique calligraphy that escapes from the ink into the paper, and from the boring surroundings of a calligraphy lab to expose itself in public places, abandoned buildings, the streets and all sorts of surfaces; and using materials that one would not normally think could be used. Simon’s vision of a new world of calligraphy based in the tranquility and symmetry dominating our surroundings is in fact the inner ch...

[Urgent!!] Volunteers Wanted: Casino Night

[Urgent!!] Volunteers Wanted: Casino Night 10月4日(金)に開催されるカジノ・ ナイトのディーラーさんを募集中です!! ブラックジャック、 ポーカー、ルーレット、ビッグシックス等、 ゲームは様々なものがあります。 事前にルール説明やトレーニングを行いますのでご心配なく! 以下の日程でトレーニングセッションを予定しております。 7月20日(土)1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. at 株式会社マツイ・ゲーミング・マシン 8月3日(土)10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at 株式会社マツイ・ゲーミング・マシン or RFTC事務局 8月31日(土)10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at 株式会社マツイ・ゲーミング・マシン or RFTC Office 9月21日(土)12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. 場所:未定 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.に行われるカジノ・ ナイトのオリエンテーションの後に実施します。 10月4日(金)3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. ウェスティンホテル東京 スタールームおよびフォイエ イベント当日、最終確認をしたい方対象となります。 チャリティーイベントで楽しくボランティアしたい方にぴったり。 興味をお持ちでしたら までお問い合わせ下さい! Casino Night is looking for volunteers to run our blackjack, poker, roulette, craps tables and Big Six wheels! All volunteers will be trained by experienced casino staff and will receive rule books to take home. We will h...

2013 年7 月18 日 東日本大震災における市民社会(CSOs)の活動に係る合同レビューワークショップのご案内

7 月18 日(木)東京にて、防災グローバルプラットフォーム会合(The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction: GPDRR、2013 年5 月ジュネーブにて開催)の参加報告会 兼 東日本大震災における市民社会(CSOs) の活動に係る合同レビューワークショップを開催する運びとなりましたので、ご案内申し上げます。 プログラムは「第一部:GPDRR 参加報告」「第二部:合同レビューワークショップ」 の二部構成となります。また、終了後には懇親会も予定しておりますので、 参加者の皆様同士の更なる意見交換の場としてご活用いただけましたら幸いです。 記 【日時】 2013 年7 月18 日(木) 10:00~17:30 (懇親会18:00~19:30) 【会場】 日本キリスト教会館 6 階大会議室ABC 室 東京都新宿区西早稲田2-3-1 早稲田奉仕園内 日本キリスト教会館6 階 (JANIC の隣のビルです。) 【参加費】 無料(懇親会に参加の方は別途費用を頂戴いたします。) 【議事次第】 9:45~ 受付開始 10:00 開会 10:05 第一部:GPDRR(ジュネーブ)帰国報告 10:30 第二部:合同レビューワークショップ(前半) 12:00 昼食* 13:00 合同レビューワークショップ(後半) 17:30 懇親会** *昼休みは一時間程度を予定しておりますが、 状況によっては若干の時間調整をさせていただくこともございます。昼食は出来るだけお弁当をご持参くださいますよう、 ご理解・ご協力のほどお願い申し上げます。 **懇親会は「早稲田蔵」(東京都新宿区西早稲田1丁目2−1) を予定しています。

TELL July 2013 newsletter

The most important annual fundraiser for TELL , the Connoisseurs' Auction, will take place on Friday, Novemeber 22nd from 5:30 p.m. at the Embassy of the Republic of Angola.  Read more... You can help save lives! TELL is desperately in need of more volunteers and is now accepting applications for its Fall 2013 Telephone Counselors Training Program.   Find out more... TELL is looking to fill several important roles in the organization, and you might be just the qualified person we're looking for . Click to read more... The Summer 2013 edition of TELL 's seasonal newsletter, featuring articles by our staff and clinicians, is available to download now . Click to get your copy...

End Human Trafficking Quiz night July 25th!

Quiz Night to End Human Trafficking will be held on the 25 th ! ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------    On June 25 th  we will be holding our “Quiz Night to End Human Trafficking” event.    In head-to-head team competitions, teams will participate in quiz games. The winning team will receive splendid prizes we’ve prepared! And after the quiz, we will also be holding a lottery. Since the event will be held in English, please feel free to invite along any non-Japanese friends you might have! Thursday , 25 July, 19:00 - 21:00 Hard Rock Cafe Roppongi < Cost> 7,500 yen (includes finger foods, one drink [cash bar is available], and a 5,000 yen donation to PPJ) < Reservations > Send an e-mail by June 22 nd  to  events@polarisproject. jp  along with your name and number of people in your party.

Launch party for Pangea Seed Japan July 14

Launch party for the new sea conservation NGO Pangea Seed Japan July 14, 3pm to 2am @ Gamuso in Asagaya Access: PSJ’s mission is to contribute to the protection of sharks, our oceans and marine life by undertaking actions that encourage environmental activism and sustainable consumption choices. Our vision is of a future where our oceans are alive and the creatures living in the m thrive. PSJ is a Japan-based non-governmental and not-for-profit organisation working together with creative individuals and groups towards a common goal of positive education about sharks and marine life. Through artivism, events, educational talks and campaigns we work to create a change within the community and develop an understanding of the need to preserve and protect the world’s oceans. Artivism |ˈärtəˌvizəm| – An explosion of creativity and a marriage of art and activism. We believe that art, design and new media can transcend cultural and linguistic boundari...

Casino Night & Tokyo RFTC

Volunteers Wanted: Casino Night - Tokyo RFTC /WFL If you haven’t heard already, Run for the Cure® Foundation is organizing its first Casino Night on Friday, October 4th, and we are ready for our annual Tokyo Run for the Cure®/Walk for Life 2013 on Saturday, November 30th. The success of both events is in large part due to our enthusiastic volunteers. Below are the details on roles you can sign-up for: ラン・フォー・ザ・キュア・ファンデーションは10月4日(金) に今回初のカジノ・ナイト、11月30日(土) に東京ランフォーザキュア/ ウォークフォーライフ2013を開催します。 これらのイベントの成功はボランティアの皆様のご協力があってこ そです。今回、 下半期のチャリティイベントにて下記の役割においてご協力頂ける ボランティアの方を募集致しております: Casino Night Volunteer Roles: Dealers ディーラー (Blackjack, Roulette, Big Six, Craps, etc.) Receptionists 受付係 Bankers (chips are purchased and later turned in for Raffle tickets) バンカー Product/ Mammo Card/ Raffle Tickets Vendors グッズ/マンモカード/抽選券販売係 Live Auction Spotters & Winner Record Takers ライブオークション・スポッター及び記録係 Photographers フォトグラファー Videographers ビデオグラファー Setup/ Venue Decorators/...

from JCIE June 2013 Update: Japan 3/11 Disaster Recovery Events & News

Upcoming Activities & Events Exchange Program: TOMODACHI Summer 2013 SoftBank Leadership Program, TOMODACHI, SoftBank ( July 22–August 12, 2013 , Berkeley, California)—The program sends Japanese high school students from the disaster zones to the University of California, Berkeley to explore ways to strengthen their local communities and to gain a further understand of American society through homestays, volunteer activities, and interactions with US high school students. Film Screening: Live Your Dream: The Taylor Anderson Story, Japan Society ( July 16, 2013 , New York, NY)—The documentary offers a glimpse into the life of JET participant Taylor Anderson who was a victim in the 3/11 earthquake and tsunami and is followed by a Q&A session with the director, Regge Life.


Reports & Books of Interest An Emerging Fukushima Model? ( Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus , May 13, 2013)—In this report, Andrew Dewit discusses Japan’s plans to build the world’s largest offshore wind farm near Fukushima in reconstructing the disaster-hit region.   Lessons and Recommendations from Japanese Civil Society for the Post 2015 DRR Framework (May 2013)—This document presented at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva, Switzerland, summarizes the recommendations provided by Japanese civil society organizations based on the lessons learned from their humanitarian responses to the triple disaster.  Private Sector Strengths Applied: Good Practices in Disaster Risk Reduction from Japan (2013)—Fourteen case studies on the corporate responses to the Tohoku disaster are included in this document presented by the UNISDR Hyogo Office and Kokusai Kogyo to highlight the potential role of the private s...

FULL TIME NONPROFIT JOB TOKYO - Fundraising, Event and Communications Coordinator,

  TELL is currently looking for a highly organized and enthusiastic fulltime Fundraising Event and Communications   Coordinator responsible for organizing and executing fundraising events, managing volunteers, and coordinating media relations in order to enhance the financial and volunteer resources critical to the organizational health of TELL. IT skills with regard to website management and creation of computer graphics for events is a plus. Essential to the role is experience in planning and executing events or fundraisers. PR or communications experience would be a plus, as is a non-profit background. Commencement:   mid-August preferred.     If you know any candidates that might like to apply, or can help spread the word, I would be most grateful. Details are on the TELL website. php?/en/job/job_opening_ fundraising_event_ communications_coordinator/

New Give2Asia Partner:

KIds with Cancer Foundation In 2012, the 5-year survival rate of children with cancer in Vietnam stood at just 10 percent. Globally, 85 percent will survive the next 10 years. Help the Kids with Cancer Foundation raise the 5-year survival rate of cancer-diagnosed children in Vietnam to 50 percent by 2017 through partnerships with the Greehey Children’s Cancer Research Institute at the University of Texas Health Science Center and the Cancer Therapy & Research Center (CTRC) at the University of Texas. ...

Fundraising, Event and Communications Coordinator, NPO TELL-Fulltime

TELL is currently looking for a highly organized and enthusiastic fulltime Fundraising Event and Communications  Coordinator responsible for organizing and executing fundraising events, managing volunteers, and coordinating media relations in order to enhance the financial and volunteer resources critical to the organizational health of TELL. IT skills with regard to website management and creation of computer graphics for events is a plus. Commencement:   mid-August preferred.  Please contact  Jason Chare

Be Your Own Publicist : FEW monthly meeting July 11

Thursday July 11 7:00-10:00pm Be Your Own Publicist Featuring Sarah Hall Director, Public Relations, Toys“R”Us, Japan Location Wesley Center, 2F, 6-10-11 Minami Aoyama, Tokyo Map and access info: Cost: 3000 yen for FEW members 5000 yen for guests includes buffet dinner and drinks. Sign up by sending an email to Bethan at to secure your place! FEW monthly events are only open to women – members and non-members from every background and nationality. ‘Be Your Own Publicist’ PR is all about influence. Unfortunately, many people hear “PR” and think “spin” – or worse, “propaganda.” This talk will dispel some common myths about PR and introduce practical techniques you can use to promote yourself, manage conflict, and win others to your way of thinking. Speaker Profile: Sarah Hall is originally from Hawaii but went to college in Ohio, a decision that many people quest...