
Showing posts from September, 2012

Global Festa 2012

GLOBAL FESTA 2012   Saturday and Sunday, October 6 & 7 10 am – 5pm GLOBAL FESTA: meet people from many NGOs, international development agencies and embassies while enjoying a bit of chicken curry!  2012 Theme:  Think Global, Think Green Place: Hibya Park, Tokyo Find out more

From the Equality now newsletter

Woman's Rights in the News 22 Aug - Cambodia looking to end child sex trade : “The announcement comes as more reports have been published in recent months highlighting the growing child sex industry aimed at tourists in the Southeast Asian country.” 14 Aug - Thousands rally in Tunisia for women's rights : “Activists are not happy with a stipulation in a draft of the constitution that considers women to be 'complementary to men' and want a pioneering 1956 law that grant women full equality with men to remain in place.” 10 Aug - President Obama issues Executive Order on Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Women and Girls Globally : “The Executive Order will ensure that agencies prioritize this issue in their implementation of U.S. foreign policy, and that work in this area is evaluated.” 23 Jul - Hidden world of female genital mutilation in the UK : BBC Newsnight two part special

EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise

If Not For Profit, For What? And How? University of Liege (Belgium), July 1-4, 2013 CALL AVAILABLE IN EIGHT LANGUAGES, THREE SUBMISSION LANGUAGES, AND TWO SUBMISSION DEADLINES Call for papers available in eight languages The call for contributions is available on-line in English in its full version, and in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian and Spanish in a short version. Two submission rounds: November 30, 2012 and February 15, 2013 Authors may choose to submit their abstract(s) or panel proposal(s) by November 30, 2012 (for authors seeking an early notification of acceptance/rejection - for funding, administrative or any other reason), or by February 15, 2013 (final deadline for abstract submission). Abstracts and articles can be submitted in English, French or Spanish More practical information will be issued regularly and published via this mailing list.                ...
Are you interested in getting involved in our community in a meaningful way? Run for the Cure® Foundation is looking for volunteers for Run for the Cure®/Walk for Life 2012 and for the 10th annual Pink Ball. Assigned roles for the Run/Walk include setting up tents, registering runners/walkers, guiding participants to starting point at the Imperial Palace, product and raffle sales, decorating the park, collecting trash, etc. Volunteer roles for Pink Ball include assembling the omiyage bags, signing in guests, silent and live auctions, selling raffle tickets on the night, and lots more. Run for the Cure®/Walk for Life 2012 will be held Saturday, December 1st at Tokyo's Hibiya Park. Volunteers will be needed throughout the day ranging from 7:00 am - 3:00 pm. The 10th annual Pink Ball is scheduled for Saturday, March 9th, 2013 at The Westin Tokyo. Volunteers will be needed from 1:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. This is a great way to develop new skills, meet new peopl...


--> BLACK STRIPE THEATER PRESENTS OFF THE MAP October 25-28, 2012 @ Trance Mission Reserved tickets: 3000 yen (including one drink) Non-reserved tickets: 3500 yen (including one drink) Fully stocked bar! Try our original Off the Map Cocktail! Non-alcoholic available too! SHOW TIMES *Oct 25th (Thurs) 7:30pm *Oct 26th (Fri) 7:30pm *Oct 27th (Sat) 1:30pm & 6:30pm *Oct 28th (Sun) 1:30pm & 6:30pm About the show: From the wilds of New Mexico a young girl yearns for a miracle to deliver her from a mother who gardens in the nude*, a father who has spiraled into depression, and the oddly nurturing life her parents have built off the land and the local dump. As she frets over the lack of plumbing and normalcy, her miracle appears in the form of a feverish, displaced IRS agent. The story unfolds. The characters of  Off the Map, slightly, yet endearingly off the wall, face obstacles and stumble into glimps...

Tohoku Planning Forum. TPF2 sept 28 2012

  TPF2 #8 on Friday, 28th September 2012, 1900-2030hrs. It will be a compact workshop entitled: "TPF#8. A workshop: Learning from the Resilient-Ishinomaki Symposium July 2012. Shaping the future and moving towards resilient communities." The event will be held at a new location (please see our website or at base here for full details) and will be an opportunity to examine the outcomes of the Resilient Ishinomaki event in July - coorganised by Université Libre de Bruxelles, Meiji University, Tohoku University and TPF2 - and to help us to move towards more resilient communities. Please this event needs registration and it is a free but first-come-first-served basis. Do please register in advance at the site or at   find details on this meeting and all of activities/objectives at:

Ageing in the Twenty-First Century: A Celebration and A Challenge"

【UNFPA】 Symposium "Ageing in the Twenty-First Century: A Celebration and A Challenge" On 1st October, UN International Day of Older Persons, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) will publish “Ageing in the Twenty-First Century: A Celebration and A Challenge”. Last year, the world population reached 70 million, and the ratio of older persons is clearly rising upwards in most countries. By 2050, it is forecasted that nearly 80% of the world’s oldest people will live in emerging and developing economies; thus it is anticipated that ageing society will become major challenges for humankind, and actions will be important.   In the symposium, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director of UNFPA will make a keynote address announcing the launch of the report, and HelpAge International (international NGO and co-author of the report), experts from China, South Korea and Japan will discuss the way forward for the ageing society. We look forward to your attendance to this sympo...

Segregator Project videos

videos  from the Segregator Project v=oqJKa8WUdd0 v=Iu1n8P7DIaI&feature=relmfu and they even did a version in Japan v=EeIeRtesEWY&feature=relmfu

Black Stripe Theater presents Off the Map

Black Stripe Theater presents  Off the Map  Show Times *Oct 25th (Thurs) 7:30pm *Oct 26th (Fri) 7:30pm *Oct 27th (Sat) 1:30pm & 6:30pm *Oct 28th (Sun) 1:30pm & 6:30pm Reserved tickets: 3000 yen (including one drink) Non-reserved tickets: 3500 yen (including one drink) Fully stocked bar! Try our original Off the Map Cocktail! Non-alcoholic available too! Book tickets by email (E-mail でご予約 の 場合 ): Please include your name, phone number, number of tickets, and performance you would like to attend. You should receive a reply within 48 hours. Note: email reservations will close 48 hours before the first show. ( ご注意 : E-mail で の ご予約は 10 月 22 日 11:59PM 到着分までとさせて頂きます。 ) Get more information: 

From the Give2Asia newsletter for Sept 2012

Video: Tips for Effective Disaster Response Basic Tips for Disaster Giving Today, we are fortunate to live in a world where people can reach across the globe and lend a hand in times of disaster. However, immediately after a disaster, donors may be overwhelmed with options and information, creating confusion about where their money can be most effective. In this video, Give2Asia's Disaster Response Lead Gillian Yeoh talks to donors about how to make the most of their donation. You can learn more about effective disaster response by reading  Disaster Giving in Asia: Lessons, Guidelines and Opportunities or click here to view the video .

Become an RFTC Volunteer!

Are you interested in getting involved in our community in a meaningful way? Run for the Cure® Foundation is looking for volunteers for Run for the Cure®/Walk for Life 2012 and for the 10th annual Pink Ball. Assigned roles for the Run/Walk include setting up tents, registering runners/walkers, guiding participants to starting point at the Imperial Palace, product and raffle sales, decorating the park, collecting trash, etc. Volunteer roles for Pink Ball include assembling the omiyage bags, signing in guests, silent and live auctions, selling raffle tickets on the night, and lots more. Run for the Cure®/Walk for Life 2012 will be held Saturday, December 1st at Tokyo's Hibiya Park. Volunteers will be needed throughout the day ranging from 7:00 am - 3:00 pm. The 10th annual Pink Ball is scheduled for Saturday, March 9th, 2013 at The Westin Tokyo. Volunteers will be needed from 1:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. This is a great way to develop new skills, meet new people...


『准認定ファンドレイザー試験』を受検するには、必須の必修研修です。 300頁のテキストを元に講義します。組織の成長戦略、寄付・ 会費・助成金を 得るための戦略や基本スキルを学びます。 2012年12月1日(土)に行われる『 第2回准認定ファンドレイザー試験』を受験する ためには、本必修研修か、10月6日(土) に行われる必修研修のどちらかを必ず 受講する必要があります。 ●2012年9月14日(金)10:00-17:00  定員:70名  会場:日本財団     東京都港区赤坂1丁目2番2号日本財団ビル ●受講料  協会会員1万円 非会員1万5千円 ●申込方法  以下のサイトからお願いします。 html ●キャンセル等について  ・各研修の申込み締切りは、各研修の1週間前となります。 締切日前でも   定員に達した場合には、締切とさせていただくことがございます。  ・キャンセルは、 研修日前日17時までのご連絡とさせて頂きます。   それ以降は、 いかなる場合にもご返金できませんのでご了承ください。  ・ご入金が完了された方には、 受講票をメールにてお送りしております。   当日は、そのメールをプリントアウトしてご持参下さいませ。 准認定および認定ファンドレイザーや試験の詳細については、  よりご覧ください。


今年も始まった「STAND UP TAKE ACTION」キャンペーン! 家族、お友達や同僚とアクションに参加しよう! STAND UP TAKE ACTIONとは 世界貧困デー(毎年10月17日)前後に 貧困解決を求める意思を示すために、 立ち上がり(STAND UP)、 行動する(TAKE ACTION)ことを 各国のリーダーに呼びかける世界的キャンペーンです。 昨年は3万1389人がキャンペーンに参加し、 世界の貧困をなくすアクションを起こしました。 伝える:ミレニアム開発目標*1と貧困の原因を広く知ってもらう 声を届ける: 世界のリーダーにミレニアム開発目標達成のための取り組みを強化 してほしいとアピールする 輪を広げる:貧困解決に取り組む人々の輪を広げる *ミレニアム開発目標 basic/mdgs.html 貧困解決に向けて、みんなで一緒にSTAND UP, TAKE ACTION!! 参加方法・詳細はこちらから>> index.html

福島県塙町で地域活性化を担う「天空の集落 ヤチュカプロジェクト」隊員を募集

 【エントリー締切日】9月30日(日)まで  福島県のほぼ南端に位置し、 比較的に温暖な気候に恵まれている塙(はなわ)町  には、標高800m弱の高地に桃源郷のような里山集落「 矢塚地区」があります。  新たに開拓された地区なので開放的な気質と新しいことへの好奇心 を持つ住民が  多く、交流事業や集落観光、集落産品開発、廃校利用など、 やってみたいことが  たくさんあります。この新たな取り組み、名付けて「 ヤチュカプロジェクト」を  一緒にカタチにしてくれる人をお待ちしております。  地区では地域活性化協議会を立ち上げ、 少子高齢化に直面している塙町の集落だ  けでなく、 風評被害と戦う福島県の地域を代表する元気なモデルになりたいと  考えています。地区住民の思いを実現し、 発信していくことに力をお貸しください。 ────────────────────────────── ──────  ■募集概要 ────────────────────────────── ──────  ◇実施期間:平成24年10月~平成25年3月(これ以降は、 状況に応じる)  ◇給与  :月額166,000円  ◇募集人数:2名  ◇業務内容:地域集落の社会的・経済的活性化を目指し、 地域力の維持・強化に        資する活動(ヤチュカプロジェクト)に従事していただきます。  ◇対象  :年齢、性別は問いません。            ※詳しい条件はWebをご覧ください  ◇募集〆切:平成24年9月30日(日) ────────────────────────────── ──────  ■詳細・申込方法 ────────────────────────────── ──────  詳細は以下のURLに記載しておりますのでご確認ください  >>  ※お問い合せは、塙町役場まち振興課(TEL:0247-43- 2112)にお願いいたします。   その...