
Showing posts from August, 2011

New maps on Tohoku group efforts

- JCN site has redone their site - easier to use much more now oriented... have a look:

FEW Community Service Directory 2011

i am almost done with the guide to volunteering in Japan but you want to include your group go to this suvery and input as much as possible before Sept 1

article from the JT worth reading ... Create 'GI Bill' to empower quake, tsunami victims

from the Japan Times ... Tuesday, April 26, 2011 HOTLINE TO NAGATACHO Create 'GI Bill' to empower quake, tsunami victims Dear Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Yoshiaki Takaki,

Large Zone Near Japanese Reactors to Be Off Limits

from the NY Times/IHT By MARTIN FACKLER Published: August 21, 2011 Broad areas around the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant could soon be declared uninhabitable, perhaps for decades, after a government survey found radioactive contamination that far exceeded safe levels, several major media outlets said Monday.... read on Do the government a favor - act surprised?

New files uploaded

New files uploaded by the disaster volunteer centers 災害VC(新潟・福島豪雨水害を含む)の募集状況(PDFファイル) 平成23年8月21日現在 ダウンロード 市町村災害VC・復興支援C設置状況一覧(PDFファイル) 平成23年8月22日現在 ダウンロード 災害VC・復興支援C設置状況地図(PDFファイル) 東北3県(岩手県・宮城県・福島県 平成23年8月22日現在) ダウンロード

petition --- EVACUATE FUKUSHIMA 福島の子供を守れ

I am150% behind evacuation within 80km from the Fukushima powerplants. the online petition is WORTHWHILE but if you want to have an impact with a petition it needs to be in the right person's face. 1.SIGN 2. PRINT 3. SEND to the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8914, Japan. 〒100-8914 東京都千代田区永田町1-6-1   Fax:+81-3-3581-4772 Make a call to (81) 3-5253-2111 * make your letters faxes and calls to Minister of State for Disaster Management Tatsuo HIRANO ... You can also bug TEPCO by putting it on their inquiries page

anyone joining this? let me know if you cna share your notes

011 Sept. 7-9 : Enhancing Safety and Security: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience to Natural Hazards “As we have learned again and again, no country or city -- rich or poor -- is immune. But alongside the dangers from disaster rests the dangerous myth that acts of nature are just that -- unavoidable or inevitable. By our actions, we can either compound disasters or diminish them. Workshop Dates September 7(Wed) – September 9(Fri) 2011 Workshop Location Seogwipo City, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Republic of Korea Learning Objectives:  - To increase awareness on human security and environmental security in the region  - To identify key challenges in disaster mitigation and to recognize good practices to reduce vulnerability and build resilience to natural hazards at the local level  - To develop action plans for local implementation and follow-up of lessons learned (via city-to-city cooperation, awareness raising activities, int...

Materials now online from JCIE/JF organized donor meeting in NYC

US-Japan Cooperation on the Japan Disaster: Funding Conference on US-Japan Cooperation on Supporting the Japan Disaster Response Co-organizers The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership, New York Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE) Institute of International Education (IIE) Cooperating Organizations  Asia Society, GlobalGiving Foundation, Give2Asia, Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in New York, The Nippon Club, Japan Society, US-Japan Council Supporting Consulate General of Japan in New York  

Sept 2-4 events in Yokohama in support of Tohoku

'Tohoku Tomodachi Market Networking Party and concert' on Green Mondays! Check out "Tohoku Tomodachi Market Networking Party and concert" on Green Monday Time: September 2, 2011 from 5:30pm to 9pm Location: Aka Renga Hall Organized By: 5ive-Planets Event Description: Networking party and "United We Stay" special advance concert to welcome business representatives from Tohoku. 3,000 yen per person to cover food See more details and RSVP on Green Mondays: events/event/show?id=2139625% 3AEvent%3A32300&xgi= 5Ghd6vcf8gXjlM&xg_source=msg_ invite_event 'Tohoku Tomodachi Market' on Green Mondays! Time: September 3, 2011 at 10am to September 4, 2011 at 6pm Location: Queen Square Yokohama Organize...

Introduction to advocacy workshop 誰でもできるアドボカシー@ TITP Sunday, August 20 and 27

UPDATE: Introduction to advocacy workshop   誰でもできるアドボカシー@ TITP Sunday, August 20 and 27 A two-day intensive introducing advocacy campaign skills. it will be very intense and include people from a wide array of NGOS. THE WORKSHOP IS RUNNING FOR SURE  and YOU CAN APPLY UNTIL AUGUST 19. CALL Tel:03-3402-7333 TO REGISTER TODAY. Advocacy Campaign Workshop 10:00-14:30 (3omin break for lunch) @ TITP Saturday(s), August 20 and 27 OUTLINE FOR SESSION 1 - AUGUST 20 - Introductions - Quick review of what you have experienced, learned or know. - What is campaigning? What is advocacy? Why advocacy? And why has advocacy become commonplace? - Is this advocacy? When is an advocacy solution needed? - Elements of a successful advocacy campaign - Case review – finding commonalities - Issue development and advocacy solutions to problems Cutting and identifying issues, problem cause effect ...

Revising site with organized info:

 I have done some small updates but need more information - especially on organizations and events Updates will be posted here many times each day, but I took all the info from this blog  organized it into an easier to read format on 9 pages that will be revised once per month . Keep sending me info for the August 2011 update!

Summer workshops 2011 japanese info

津田塾大学オープンスクール Tsuda international training program 夏期集中講座のご案内 ※このご案内はセミナーにお申し込みいただいた方 およびこれまでの受講生にお送りしています 夏期集中講座 NGO English 8/20(土)&8/27(土)10:00~14:30(休憩1 2:00~12:30) Advocacy 8/20(土)&8/27(土)10:00~14:30(休憩1 2:00~12:30) Education for Social Justice 8/20(土)&9/17(土)13:00~15:40(休憩適 宜) 詳しくはこちらをご参照ください titp_summer.html 【申込〆切日】 8月10日(水)16:00まで ただし、〆切日以降、開講が決まり、定員に余裕がある講座は 開講日前日(休日を除く)まではお申し込みができます。 申込〆切日までに、受講者が一定の人数に定員に達しない 場合は、講座を中止します。詳しくは受講規約をご覧ください ht tp:// 夏期集中講座は説明会へ参加せずにお申し込みが可能です 【申込方法】 1)予め定員に空きがあるかどうかお電話でご確認ください 2)受講申込書をFAXし、同じ日に受講料をお振込みください 3)両方の到着が確認でき次第、受講証を郵送します ※今後このようなお知らせが不要の方はお知らせください 津田塾大学オープンスクール 千駄ヶ谷キャンパス事務室 講座担当 〒151-0051東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷1-18-24 Tel.03-3402-7333 Fax.03-3402-7688 tml

Civic force event on Aug 3

Just got this in my mailbox - too bad i can not join! ご案内】東日本大震災支援活動の法人向け報告会 8月3日(水)15:30~ 日ごろよりCivic Forceの活動にご理解とご支援を賜り、 誠にありがとうございます。 まもなく東日本大震災の発生から150日目を迎えます。 被災地では、今も多くの困難に直面しつつも、中長期的な復旧・復 興にむけた 前向きな取り組みも出てきています。 Civic Forceでも、復旧・復興に向けて新たな取組みを始めたところ です。 この機会にCivic Forceでは、来る8月3日(水曜日)15:30より、 東日本大震災への支援事業に関する報告会を開催させていただきま す。 本来ならば、各社様のもとへご説明・ご報告にあがるべきところを 、報告会 という形でお集まりいただくご足労を心苦しく思っておりますが、 暑く長い夏を迎えた被災地の現状をご報告するとともに、今後の活 動について 皆さまとに議論させていただきたく、この場を開催させていただく 次第です。 ご多忙中とは存じますが、ぜひお運びいただき、Civic Forceにご意見や ご示唆を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 公益社団法人Civic Force(緊急即応チーム) 代表理事 大西 健丞 -記- 日 時:2011年8月3日(水) 第1部 活動報告会 15:30~17:00(受付15:00~) 第2部 懇談会 17:00~19:00 場 所:アルカディア市ヶ谷私学会館 6階「霧島の間」 JR・東京メトロ・都営新宿線「市ヶ谷」駅徒歩2分 ss.htm 出 席:代表理事 大西 健丞 および ご協力いただいた企業・行政等の代表者 費 用:第2部 懇談会のみ実費として2,000円をご負担いただきたく存じます 会場にて現金でお預かりし、必要な方には領収書を発行させて いただきます ※会場の都合により、今回は50名様限定(先着順)とさせていた だきます。 大変恐縮ですが、下記申し込みフォームにて事前にご登録をお願い します。 尚、多くの法人様にご出席いただけるよう、1社2名様までと限ら せて いた...

story on tohoku on you tube

Gerry Curtis spent several days in Tohoku preparing a special feature story for Hodo Station on TV Asahi.  It is up on You Tube at

Comments and questions from the Human Right now! event

On July 30 HRN! had a symposium on The role of (Japanese) INGOs in emergencies Below are some of my notes, comments and questions  Review of the role of NGOs and the place of Human rights and the human rights approach (HRA) in emergency situations Need to promote the protection of rights of people in Tohoku as IDPs (not much talk about the HOW TO aspect of this) The role of (Japanese) INGOs in emergencies Working with G can be contentious Concern over working with military in conflict area Autonomous? Independent agenda? Guidelines? Vision for a particular place and time how connected to the local people Intl values? Barriers? From what standpoint? We know the govt is slow an Ordinary people want to do something re: Tohoku Vols are/were asked to hold back If we had the system - We could better utilize the power of the vols Help with sensitive things like photos and Help people feel better about themselves just by being there helping, showing they care Human touch – alon...