these are not the same but similar talks. Outline in English On TV we see homeless men looking for work, men looking for shelter. But these are not places for women, places where there are only men. And its riskier for women to sleep outside, to be homeless. If they do it is likely that something tragic will happen. Step House helps not only homeless women, but also women who are physically abused as long as they are over age 15. Step house has only 18 rooms, and is almost always full. There some shelters that provide temporary shelter but women need more than that. At Step House women get support while getting medical treatment, while they are going through trial, assistance with getting a restraining order. They can stay with us while they get treatment for mental illnesses, get their lives back and are able to get back to work. Let me share one story about a woman who came to us the other day. She lost her job, she can not pay for her apt anymore, shes already 2 or 3 months behind i...