Inauguration Day march and vigil to be held in Tokyo
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Inauguration Day march and vigil to be held in Tokyo TOKYO, Jan. 13 – Americans living in Japan will hold a series of events that are open to the public in connection with the U.S. presidential inauguration, including a march and a vigil outside the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo on Inauguration Day to thank outgoing President Barack Obama for his service and to thank our civil servants for the work they do for Americans living overseas. These events, coordinated by Democrats Abroad Japan, will be held in conjunction with others taking place across the world as a part of Democrats Abroad’s Global Week of Action. “As Americans overseas, we want to thank President Obama for his service not only as a leader at home, but also globally,” said Tom Schmid, chairman of Democrats Abroad Japan. “Many Americans and our friends from other nations are concerned that President Obama’s progressive policies will be reversed by the new administration and a Republ...