
Showing posts from 2015

Audtions for SEVEN

BLACK STRIPE THEATER AUDITIONS   April 14-17, Black Stripe Theater will present the acclaimed documentary play SEVEN. SEVEN  tells the true stories of seven women who bravely fought for the well-being of women, families, and children around the globe: in Russia , protecting women from domestic violence; in Cambodia , rescuing girls from human trafficking; in Guatemala , giving voice to the poor; in Afghanistan , empowering rural women; in Nigeria and Pakistan , fighting for women’s education and rights; and in Northern Ireland , promoting peace and equality. SEVEN will be directed by Rachel Walzer and produced by Sarajean Rossitto. Introduction meeting and auditions for production crew and actors: Sunday January 10th: 5:30pm ~ 9:30pm Akasaka Civic Center, Meeting room 1, on the 4 th floor Friday January 15th: 6:00 ~ 9:30pm Akasaka Civic Center, Meeting room 2, on the 4 th floor We are looking for: · ...


津田塾大学オープンスクール 「国際開発と現場をつなぐ-International Development Seminar-」 日時:2016年1月26日(火曜日) 19:00-20:50 テーマ「草の根のリーダー体験ワークショップ」 スピーカー 荒川 朋子(学校法人アジア学院 アジア農村指導者養成専門学校校長) 大栁由紀子(同、副校長・教務主任) 場所:津田塾大学千駄ヶ谷キャンパス 津田ホール1F教室 参加費:無料 *事前予約必要 (定員25名) 講演言語:日本語 主 催:津田塾大学オープンスクール 後 援:国連広報センター オープンスクールのホームページから new/1724/ またはお電話(03-3402-7333)でお申込みください。 津田塾大学 千駄ヶ谷キャンパス事務室 〒151-0051東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷1-18-24 Tel.03-3402-7333 Fax.03-3402-7688


MDGsとSDGsの枠組みで学ぶ「国際機関・国際協力研修プログラム」では、2月・3月集中講座のお申し込みを受付中です。プログラム説明会も行っていますので、ぜひご参加ください。 「International Development Issues-Gender Issuesコース」 detail/671/ ◇ 期間:2/2~3/22(火)18:50-20:50 8回 「Education for Social Justiceコース」 detail/672/ ◇ 期間:2/6(土)12:50-17:00 1回 「Organizational Development Skillsコース」 detail/673/ ◇ 期間:3/5(土)12:50-17:00 1回   ご受講が初めてで、インタビュー「あり」の講座をご希望の方は、 まず説明会にご参加ください。前半で全体説明、インストラクターとのQ&A、 後半でインタビューを行い最適なクラスをご案内します。(要予約)。 【日時】 1月16日(土)13:00-14:45 1月20日(水)19:00-20:45 1月27日(水)19:00-20:45 2月13日(土)13:00-14:45 【会場】 津田塾大学千駄ヶ谷キャンパス 津田ホール教室 【定員】 各20名程度 【参加費】無料 オープンスクールのホームページからまたはお電話でお申込くださ い。 津田塾大学 千駄ヶ谷キャンパス事務室 〒151-0051東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷1-18-24 Tel.03-3402-7333 Fax.03-3402-7688 (日曜、月曜、祝日は閉室)

sign up now for TUJ Spring courses

早割で受講料が15%OFF! 締め切り: 12/16(水)   Early-Bird Ends on December 16 Apply Today and Get 15% OFF!! お得な 早割期間 の終了まで残り5日です。春学期の講座をまだお申 し込みされていない方は、この機会を是非お見逃しなく! ※締切日(12月16日)までに全額のお支払い完了も必要です。   Five more days for the Early-Bird registration! Register for your course(s) and make full payment by December 16. You can take advantage of this special discount . コース一覧をチェック! 耳より情報 複数講座の受講を検討されている方に耳寄り情報です。早期割引が 適用された方は、 締切日後の追加申込も15%割引! ※早割をご利用の場合でも、学期開始後2回目の授業が始まるまで コース変更が可能です。   Check our Courses! Don't miss out on this opportunity! If you complete the payment by the Early-Bird deadline, you can receive the same discount for additional classes within the same semester! *You may change your course registration before the second class meeting. 英語レベルを再確認しよう! ★ 英語レベルチェックテストで腕試し! (無料: 1月7日、1月9日) ★ 英語で行われるプログラム説明会 (無料: 1月9日) ...

Community Organizing Workshop Saturday December 12 @ TUJ

Community Organizing for Social Change (One-day Workshop)  Saturday December 12th, 2016 10:00-16:30 Location: Temple University, Japan Campus Tokyo ( Maps & Directions ) Course Details COS 101 is a skills-based workshop focusing on knowledge and skills that can be use by anyone to get people involved in their communities and bring about social change. After a review of the background and history of community organizing, we will engage in group work using the the methods, and skills for issue, network, coalition, and plan development. COS 101 is done in a workshop format and is open to everyone wanting to get involved in local community development programs or international development work. Sign up before Dec 5  Apply for this Course

Sunflowers and Umbrellas: The Rise of Youth Activism in Taiwan and Hong Kong

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture - Lecture Series 2015 Workshop 2 in the ICC Workshop Series on Youth Activism in Post-War Japan Sunflowers and Umbrellas: The Rise of Youth Activism in Taiwan and Hong Kong Kinman Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong Hwa-Jen Liu, Taiwan National University Moderator: David Slater, Sophia U. Sat December 5th, 2015 Bldg. 10-301 13:00pm-16:00 pm During the past few years, we have seen a rise in the intensity, focus and scope of youth activism in East Asia. In the rhetorical context of "Arab Spring" and Occupy, these events in Asia have brought a wave of optimism and engagement, leading both activists and theorists to compare across national boundaries. We see shared issue emphasis on democracy, representational government, and pacifism.The street protests have become a media spectacle sometimes the world over. We see similar organizational structures, performative repertoires and social media strategies. ...

The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia? January 21-24, 2016 @ Trance Mission Theater

Acclaimed New York Director comes to Tokyo to direct The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia? Presented by Neptune Theatre Company & Tokyo International Players (TIP) Second Stage January 21-24, 2016 @ Trance Mission Theater Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . ...


アフリカの魅力を知る」4回連続セミナー 第2回 タンザニア~アフリカの食と音楽の出会い~  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   ┃開催概要  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   【日時】 2015年12月5日(土)14:00~16:30  【会場】 東京農業大学横井講堂 (東京都世田谷区桜丘1-1-1)      地図 map_s.html      交通 小田急線経堂駅より徒歩約15分         JR山の手線渋谷駅よりバス 約30分         東急田園都市線用賀駅よりバス 約10分 【プログラム】   14:00-14:15 開会挨拶  14:15-14:35 タンザニアはどんな国?(タンザニア大使館)  14:35-15:05 アフリカの農業・食料事情(志和地弘信教授)  15:05-15:20 アフリカのダンスと音楽(MAMADO)  15:30-16:20 タンザニアからの留学生によるパネルトーク  16:20-16:30 閉会の挨拶 【参加費】無料    【定員】 200名 【実施】 市民ネットワーク for TICAD (Afri-Can) 【共催】 外務省、駐日タンザニア連合共和国大使館、世界銀行、      特定非営利活動法人アフリカ日本協議会、      特定非営利活動法人ハンガー・フリー・ワールド 【お申し込み】 GSRnL9CVRn 【お問い合わせ】 市民ネットワークfor TICAD(Afri-Can)  事務局/〒110-0015台東区東上野1-20- 6丸幸ビル3階西 (特活)アフリカ日本協議会 電話:03-3834-6902 FAX:03-3834-6903  e-mail:    ※本セミナーは、2015年度外務省NGO研究会(TICAD VIに向けて:  アフリカ開発とNGOの役割)の一環で実施します。 世界...

Community Organizing - One-day Workshop Saturday December 12th

Community Organizing for Social Change (One-day Workshop)  Saturday December 12th, 2016 10:00-16:30 Location: Temple University, Japan Campus Tokyo ( Maps & Directions ) Course Details COS 101 is a skills-based workshop focusing on knowledge and skills that can be use by anyone to get people involved in their communities and bring about social change. After a review of the background and history of community organizing, we will engage in group work using the the methods, and skills for issue, network, coalition, and plan development. COS 101 is done in a workshop format and is open to everyone wanting to get involved in local community development programs or international development work. Sign up before Dec 5  Apply for this Course


Join us for the FEW Bondilicious Bonenkai as we pull the trigger on 2015 and wrap our elegant arms around 2016 Invitation FEW Bonenkai 2015 View it in your browser . ...

ICC Book Launch Disasters and Social Crisis in Contemporary Japan: Political, Religious, and Sociocultural Responses,

ICC Book Launch Disasters and Social Crisis in Contemporary Japan: Political, Religious, and Sociocultural Responses, Edited by Mark R. Mullins, Koichi Nakano (Palgrave Macmillan 2015). l-crisis-in-contemporary-japan-mark-r-mullins/?isb=9781 137521316 November 30th, 2015 18:30-20:00 Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10 Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus Please join us for an evening of informal discussion with the editors and authors •    Mark Mullins, University of Auckland •    Nakano Koichi, Sophia University Book Description Japan is still coming to terms with the 'triple disaster' of 2011 – earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown. Only two decades ago, the country was similarly shaken by the 'double disaster' of earthquake and sarin gas attack in 1995. What can we learn about Japan through the diverse responses to these two critical moments in postwar history when a 'normal' sense of stability and existin...

Putting Global Talent To Work: Diversity Management at 'Japan Inc'

Putting Global Talent To Work: Diversity Management at 'Japan Inc' Time: 15:30-17:30, November 25 (Wed), 2015 Location: Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS), 11th Floor, Shin-Marunouchi Building, 5-1 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Speakers: Hiroshi Ono, Hitotsubashi ICS, Hilary J. Holbrow, Cornell University Moderator: Jun Kurihara, CIGS Program: Registration: If you wish to attend, please RSVP by November 14 to the CIGS administrative office  at Admission: Free and open to the public; registration required. Language: English and Japanese

Black Stripe Theater' s "Confusions" Meet the Cast (Video by Rodger Sono)

Have a look!

ARI Western Japan Study tour Events 西日本アジア学院キャラバン

『私が人々に仕える理由・・・アジアの農村から平和を考える』 アジア学院卒業生トークセッションの開催のお知らせ 【奈良県】 日時: 11 月 12 日(木)17:30~19:30 会場: 『 古民家ろっきゃお 』   →  チラシ ( ) 住所:奈良市鹿野園町448 お問合せ、お申込み: 電話orメール     TEL: 070-6681-3093   Mail: 参加費:1,000円( アジア学院の食材を使ったナガランド料理と飲み物付) 【広島県】 日時: 11 月 12 日(木)13:00~15:00 会場: 『 広島流川教会』 →  チラシ ( ) 住所:広島市中区上幡町8-30 電話:082-221-5493 【富山県】 日時: 11 月 15 日(日)17:00~ 会場: 『いいこと』 住所:富山県氷見市中央町14-1 定員:先着20名 申込: 参加費:500円(軽食付)

JOB: Field Assistant for Primary Health Care

Job id : 65394 Field Assistant for Primary Health Care NICCO (Nippon International Cooperation for Community Development) Hpa-an, Kayin State, ...

Networks of Political Possibility ―Post 3.11 Social Movements and Political Activism ―

The Contemporary Japan Group at the Institute of Social Science (ISS, or Shaken), University of Tokyo, welcomes you to a lecture by David H. Slater Networks of Political Possibility ―Post 3.11 Social Movements and Political Activism ― DATE AND PLACE Wednesday, November 25 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Akamon S ōgō Kenkyūtō Room 549, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo ABSTRACT In the years since 3.11, we have seen many different sorts of activism, some of which rise to the level of a social movement, others not so much. This talk is a first attempt to identify the characteristics of these movements, in terms of their institutional connections, rhetorical focus, performative repertoires and relations with both mass and social media. We will ask not only what distinguishes activism today from that before 3.11, but also how it might allow us to re-think our understanding of changes in civil society. SPEAKER David H. Slater...

What has Karoshi got to do with Fukushima disaster?

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015 What has Karoshi got to do with Fukushima disaster? Rika Morioka (Myanmar Partners in Policy and Research) November 11th, 2015: 18:30-20:00 Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, bldg. 10, room 301 This talk explores the culture of overworking manifested in the phenomenon of karoshi and its link to the gender differences observed in the perceptions of health risk of radiation in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.  The author argues that in contrast to young mothers who expressed their concerns towards the health risks of radiation exposure, fathers who were working for dominant institutions were uninterested in the health effects of the radiation.  The talk examines Japanese masculinity rooted in work and breadwinning role in the family and the economic interests of the nation state that impacted the national response to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. Rika Morioka is a Ph.D. Sociolo...