
Showing posts from January, 2013

Beyond the Senkakus: Japan’s border disputes in a larger context

Please RSVP to the Maison franco-japonaise at Beyond the Senkakus: Japan’s border disputes in a larger context Date:   Friday, February 22, 2013 Time:   12:30pm – 2:00pm. Venue:  Maison franco-japonaise Tokyo 3-9-25, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Map: Map and flyer: data/2013-02-22_Dujarric-HLB. pdf Speakers:       Robert Dujarric, Temple University Japan Moderator:      Helène Le Bail, Maison franco-japonaise Admission:      Free (Open to general public) Language:       English RSVP required:           Please RSVP to In 2010 and again in 2012, the Senkakus (Diaoyu in Chinese) surfaced as a major source of conflict between Japan and China. But this dispute can only be understood in the broader context of the three territorial questions : the Northern Territories/Southern Kuriles,...

Giving Japan 2012

┏━・‥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━◆ ┃寄付白書2012 Giving Japan 2012出版! ┗━・‥…━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━◆ 震災寄付永久保存版である『寄付白書2012』 が2012年12月に出版されました! 東日本大震災の復興に対しての寄付を、 網羅的に調査した日本唯一の書籍と なります。 寄付の「出し手側」、「受け手側」 の両方からの調査によって推計した震災 寄付を特集に、続編として、「個人寄付」「法人寄付」「 国際比較」 「ボランティア」「寄付ニュース」「政策・制度」なども揃えた、 日本の 寄付市場を知る最新でのデータブックです。 ★購入はこちらから http://www.keidanren- book/index.php?mode=show&seq= 259&fl=

TUJ NGO class Global Issues and How International NGOs Tackle Them

Global Issues and How International NGOs Tackle Them  (8 Weeks) (NGO201) Day/Time: Monday 19:10-21:30  Start Date: February 4th Hours: 20 NGO 201 is an issues-based course for those with limited knowledge about the nonprofit-NGO sector and/or the global issues they address. The class will focus on diverse issues and how NGOs handle them. In this course we will use online readings to better understand cause and effect. Case studies will also be used to highlight both problems and approaches. Participants are asked to research NGOs working on specific issues to better understand the methods they use. Participants are expected to be active in class discussion, take part in group-work and make a final presentation on a problem and NGO of their choice. Apply for this class by Jan 25 Get more details:

Life Line Telephone Counselor Training

TELL will offer the Life Line Telephone Counselor Training this Spring, starting February 9th. This is a morning program, mostly Tues and Thurs 9:30am-12:30pm, at the Wesley Center in Minami Aoyama, and will offer training in client-centered counseling, as well as a chance to directly support people in need in the community. Please help spread the word about this valuable volunteer opportunity.  there is lots more information on the TELL website at: php?/en/counselor_training_ program/ Direct inquiries can go to Vickie Skorji, who runs the program, at

From Give2AsiAsian Disasters Worsened by Climate, Migration

Asian Disasters Worsened by Climate, Migration   Exacerbated by climate change, urban migration, and lack of preparedness, natural disasters in Asia are growing in severity, frequency and damage. During the first 11 years of the 21st century nearly 8 out of ten people affected by natural disasters worldwide lived in India or China. Give2Asia's senior program officer and disaster response lead, Gillian Yeoh recently wrote on the impact of natural disasters on vulnerable populations in Asia in Investing in Asia , a periodical distributed within USA Today . In the article, she explores the statistics and stories of disasters in Asia, both from her work in disaster response and growing up on the coast of peninsular Malaysia. You can read the full story from Gillian Yeoh here ,  or, learn more about disaster philanthropy in Give2Asia's video, Basic Tips for Disaster Giving .

Clothes For Smilesご協力のお礼

キッズドアのメールマガジンから 「Clothes For Smiles」ご協力のお礼 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 皆さまにご協力いただいた「Clothes for Smiles」ですが、 おかげさまで現在までに227Likeいただくことができました 。 ご協力いただいた皆様本当にありがとうございました! また記事をシェアしていただいたり、 応援のコメントをくださったり、 皆さまも誠にありがとうございました。 「Clothes for Smiles」のアイディア募集は昨年の12月31日で 締め切られましたが、Likeはまだ押せますので、 引き続きご協力の程、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。 先進国の貧困地域に、ユニクロ・フューチャーセンタ&# 8212;を作る! どんな環境にいる子どもでも、無料で安全にインターネットや PCが使えて、世界中の人々と交流したり、 最新のテクノロジーが学べる、最高にクールな居場所を作る! http://clothesforsmiles. idea_key=181356742412   特定非営利活動法人キッズドア twitter @kidsdoor facebook キッズドア

“Starting Something.” Jan 10th FEW event

Thursday January 10, FEW Monthly meeting “Starting Something.” Ever thought about starting a group, an organisation or a club? Maybe you already did and are interested in other people’s experiences. Maybe you haven’t but have a deep yearning to start your own nonprofit. Got an interest you want to share, teach and form a club around? Perhaps you are just curious about other people’s experiences of starting something. Any which way, hear from people who have taken the idea to action. There are so many clubs and organisations in and around Tokyo and talented people who start them and there’s no doubt that they enrich the lives of those people who join them or are even just in the satellite of those people, groups, clubs and organisations. But what does is take and what motivates people to get something going? We knit, we write, we sing, we hack, we read, we drink, we eat, we act, we paint, we breastfeed, we are lawyers, finance professionals and hula hoopers, but to...