
Showing posts from December, 2011

Minato International Dialogue

Recruiting Participants for Minato International Dialogue Minato City will hold the annual “Minato International Dialogue” on January 28th, 2012. The theme is “Creating A Community Well-Prepared Against Disaster - where foreign people and Japanese support each other.” Discussions at the event will be carried out in a style called “World Cafe.” English and Japanese interpretation is available. Date and time Saturday, Jan. 28, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Place National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, 7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku Eligibility People aged 18 or older who live, work, or go to school in Minato City Participants 60 people Application Please call or fax with the information as below. - Phone: “Minato Call” at 03-5472-3710 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Fax: Global Community Planning Subsection at 03-3438-8252 (1) name, (2) address, (3) phone number, (4) gender, (5) the name and address of your work/school, if you are not a Minato resident, (6) if you need ...

Tohoku Comfort Food

A network of eldercare facilities in Iwate and Miyagi Prefectues provided recipes for Comfort Food favorites of the region, and a team of committed volunteers have created a very special book called Tohoku Comfort Food.  Please take a look at the attached flyer and I hope you or your organization may consider a pre-order of one (or maybe several) book(s) to help the cause!   Tohoku%20Comfort%20Food% 20Order1.pdf   Proceeds go to community recovery projects in Tohoku.

Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World

Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World in Yokohama, Japan January 14-15, 2012. A  coalition of Japan-based organizations will hold the Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World in Yokohama, Japan on January 14-15, 2012. •       This conference will create a venue for people from all around the world to gather in Japan and respond to the reality of Fukushima. •        Will bring together the voices of people who suffer from radiation exposure all around the world, whether by nuclear power or nuclear weapons - “Global Hibakusha”. We will learn from each other's experiences to illustrate the human and environmental consequences of the nuclear chain. •       The conference will also aim to demonstrate that it is realistically possible to create a society that is not dependent on nuclear power. •       Through learning from experiences from around the world, ...

Some newer articles and reports related to tohoku disasters

Refuge Life of Evacuees from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident analysis of Okuma Town Survey based on human capital theory Partnership for Recovery and a Stronger Future Report— Center for Strategic and International Studies Standing with Japan after 3-11 Japan quake caused rare double-wave tsunami Report— National Aeronautics and Space Administration This animation shows a model simulation of the major tsunami generated by the March 11, 2011 Tōhoku-Oki earthquake off the coast of northeastern Japan. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/GSFC/Ohio State University. › Download video

Symposium => Tohoku- Planning for the Future

Tohoku: Planning for the Future (TPF2) Venue: Fukutake Hall, The University of Tokyo Access: http://fukutake.iii.u-tokyo. Date: December 12, 2011 Time: 6-9PM Language: English and Japanese (No translation) Participation Fee: Free. (However, a donation box will be placed in the hall. Collected money will be used for securing meeting venues and proceedings) Agenda: Welcome, Introduction Introduction to TPF Square Project" (Christian Dimmer) AfH Tokyo "Introduction to Architecture for Humanity and Tokyo Chapter" (Tomoro Aida; William Galloway) Tokyo Planning Forum "Introduction to Tokyo Planning Forum" (Kit Weddle) Module 1: Introduction to Tohoku Planning Forum (Kit Weddle) Module 2: Introduction to Map and Database (Jan Lindenberg) Module 3: Introduction to Tohoku Traveling Exhibition Module 4: Introduction to International Partnering Presentation: "Talk about methodology and academic perspective" (David Sla...


日中災害支援市民交流フォーラム 2011 ~国境を越えた市民連携へ~ ※ 国際交流基金助成事業 7311 3 年前の四川大地震をきっかけに、 中国では多くの災害ボランティア組織が誕生し、 災害を経験するごとに成長してきました。 東日本大震災の発生を受け、中国の NGO やメディアは日本の災害 救援団体の動きに注目し、 積極的に情報発信や募金活動を行いました。 CSネットの仲介により、「中国非公募基金会発展論壇」 が日本の災害救援団体に高額の寄付を送金できたことも、 正規の手続きを踏んだ中国 NGO による対外支援として, 史上初の快挙と言えます。 相次いで大規模な災害を経験した日中両国が、災害救援・ 震災復興の領域においてともに学び合い、 長期的な協力関係を構築するため、この度、国際交流基金・ 知的交流会議プロジェクトの助成をいただき、 四川大地震で救援活動に当たった中国の NGO や民間財団の関係者 及びメディアの代表者を招き、被災地を訪問するほか、 日本の民間災害救援の一線で活動中のみなさまとともに交流フォー ラムを開催します。奮ってご参加ください。 日 時: 2011 年 12 月 14 日(水) 10 : 00 ~ 17 : 30 場 所:国際交流基金会議室 outline/contact/map.html 定員: 80 名 参加費:無料(懇親交流会のみ参加費実費) 主催:日中市民社会ネットワーク( CS ネット) http:// 協力: RQ 市民災害救援センター http://www.rq-   【プログラム】  10 : 00  開会挨拶・来賓紹介 10 : 10  「東日本大震災市民災害支援活動報告」 11 : 40  質疑応答 12 : 00   昼食 13 : 00   「四川地震から始まった中国市民災害支援活動報告」 15 : 00  質疑応答 15 : 20   休憩 15 : 30   パネルディスカッション・質疑応答 17 : 00  総括・自由討論 17 : 30  閉会 18 : 30  ...

Volunteers are powerful force for peace and development – UN report

interesting article - what is your take? obvious or in need of UN support for legitimacy? 5 December 2011 – Stressing that volunteerism contributes to the well-being of individuals, communities and society, a new United Nations report released today urges countries not to forget this largely untapped asset. The State of the World’s Volunteerism Report by UN Volunteers (UNV) presents for the first time empirical evidence of the importance and contribution of volunteerism on a global scale.... read more