
Showing posts from July, 2011

2 Translation/editing volunteers needed for the months of September to December

REVISED I will need  some help with some of the Earthquake related materials - For Japanese to English i need help with 1. Japanese reports - 1-3 page summaries of key points for US foundations 2. Japanese NGO project plans and reports - maybe 20 pages a month If there is some one who has excellent Japanese writing skills - rewriting and editing official documents on weekends. a few pages a week usually. drop me a note here ...

More information on volunteer buses

 A large number of organizations and tour companies are trying to to mix volunteer work with seeing Tohoku. I udnerstand many people have mixed feelings about this  ... but there are many options to appela to many typeos of people. For the Obon holiday - the deadline is August 5. also if you can try ot make it up to Iwate - seems that many are just heading to Miyagi and Ishinomaki in particular There are many pick up/start spots all over Japan but below are just of those starting from Tokyo: 出発地 pick up      行き先 destination            日付 dates                   主催             organized by                       ...

Some notes from a discussion on "Including Local Community Input in Rebuilding, while Encouraging Out-of-the-Box thinking" in Tohoku

There are many issues we need to deal with in the transition from emergency to recovery phases. The participatory approach is not only important because it makes sense but because it has been proven to work.  We should be careful in our trying to "respect peoples local ways" that we are not taking a paternalistic or protective role or view.  I realised in our talks 1. that many people are still thinking of people in tohoku as victims to be protected rather than equals who need support in getting their feet back on the ground. 2. there is not a clear understanding of the differing roles that volunteers and professional not only can take but also should take, We should clarify the roles, responsibilities of as well as the need for general volunteers and professionals - both are needed but have different purposes and benefits.  For example - general volunteers are important in numbers and for both hard and soft recovery - whether it be serving tea, bab...

Organizations in disaster relief work seeking volunteers

National Social Welfare Council ( 全国社会福祉協議会 ) has kept updating information through its website on groups and organizations that engage in disaster relief works and seek volunteers, and also locations and contacts of volunteer centers that support volunteer activities in Tohoku Download the PDF - updated weekly

places still looking for in-kind donations

福島県(企業等のみ) [ 福島県災害対策本部物資班 ] 岩手県(企業・法人受付) [ 岩手県保健福祉部地域福祉課 ] 岩手県(個人受付) [ 義援物資受付センター ] 茨城県(企業等のみ) [ 茨城県保健福祉部福祉指導課 ]

Volunteers bus - see who what where when, this summer

Pick up points throughout the country From Tokyo 東京都 ハビタット・フォー・ヒューマニティ・ジャパン(東京=大船渡市) : 募集中 NPO事業サポートセンター(東京=岩手県大槌町) : 募集中 ニッカ航空サービス株式会社、地域観光研究所(東京=石巻) : 募集中 名鉄観光サービス株式会社盛岡支店(東京駅=岩手県陸前高田市) : 募集中 京成バス株式会社(葛西駅・秋葉原駅・京成上野駅=宮城県七ヶ浜町) : 募集中 近畿日本ツーリスト株式会社ECC事業部カンパニー第8営業支店(東京駅=岩手県陸前高田市) : 募集中 名鉄観光 7月30日(土)発(東京駅=岩手県陸前高田市) : 募集中 名鉄観光 8月5日(土)発(東京駅=岩手県陸前高田市) : 募集中 名鉄観光 8月6日(土)発(東京駅=岩手県陸前高田市) : 募集中 近畿日本ツーリスト株式会社ECC事業部カンパニー第8営業支店【LIGHT UP NIPPON】(東京=岩手・宮城・福島) : 募集中 近畿日本ツーリスト株式会社ECC事業部カンパニー第8営業支店(東京駅=宮城県石巻市雄勝町) : 募集中 近畿日本ツーリスト 第1営業支店(東京駅=宮城県七ヶ浜町) : 募集中 佐川アドバンス株式会社 旅行事業部(東京駅=岩手県陸前高田市) : 募集中 株式会社ベルプランニング (新宿駅=岩手県陸前高田市) : 募集中 千葉中央バス株式会社(京成上野駅=宮城県南三陸町) : 募集中 NPO法人地域の芽生え21 (東京都足立区=各地) : 募集中 RQ市民災害救援センター(東京都=宮城県登米市) : 募集中 トップツアー株式会社(東京都(東京駅)=岩手県沿岸地区) : 募集中 宮交観光サービス株式会社(東京=宮城県内各地) : 募集中 近畿日本ツーリスト株式会社ECC事業部カンパニー第8営業支店(東京=宮城県本吉郡南三陸町) : 募集中 近畿日本ツーリスト・NGOボランティアプラットフォーム(東京=宮城県東松島市) : 募集中 株式会社ダイヤモンド・ビッグ社(東京=岩手県沿岸部の市町村) : 募集中 ap bank F...

Look on the Janic Site for NGO jobs

lots of options... volunteers , interns and staff 07/22 BFP取材チーム・メンバー募集中! 07/22 7/25-28 シェア発送ボランティア募集 07/21 8月7日(土)13時?ボランティア募集説明会開催のお知らせ 07/20 【シーライツ】経理総務担当職員募集 07/20 国連大学高等研究所インターン(データ収集及び分析等)募集のお知らせ 07/19 事業部プログラム・コーディネーター(国内スタッフ)募集 07/19 緊急復興支援事業 プロジェクト・マネージャー募集 07/19 事業部 インターン募集 07/19 【ACE】インターン募集(啓発 / 広報 / ネットワーク構築・協働) 07/16 ■ NGOの運営を支えるインターン募集 広報担当 07/15 夏休み期間限定 学生インターン 急募! 07/15 マーケティング部 広報インターン募集 07/15 ボランティア20名募集!世界貧困デーのキャンペーン「スタンド・アップ」 07/14 東日本大震災 被災者支援プログラム チームリーダー募集 07/14 JHP・学校をつくる会 東京事務所契約職員募集

NGO job - Polaris Project Japan Program Officer

Polaris Project Japan | Program Officer Location: Tokyo, Japan Degree Preferred: MA; BA required Type: Full Time Salary: 3,000,000~3,500,000yen/year dependent on experience and qualifications Start Date: Available immediately Languages Required: English, Japanese Position Description: Polaris Project is an internationally recognized organization headquartered in the United States that has been working to combat human trafficking and modern-day slavery since 2002. Polaris Project Japan (PPJ) is a registered independent nonprofit located in Japan whose operations began in 2004.This position would be employed by Polaris Project Japan exclusively and would be located in the Tokyo. PPJ is one of the only nonprofit organizations working to fight human trafficking in Japan. Polaris Project has operated a local office in Tokyo, Japan since 2004. This office – Polaris Project Japan (PPJ) – is currently seeking a Program Officer, who will be primarily responsible for our public...

Tohoku Charity Event

SUGAR CANE vol.2 Tohoku Charity Event Saturday, July 23,2011 @ XEX NIHOMBASHI (MISTUKOSHI- MAE STATION A9) NO COVER CHARGE Show time 9:00 pm ~ morning! CONCERT & 80’s DANCE PARTY 100% NON- SMOKING EVENT (NO CIGARS /CIGARETTES) Ladies and gentlemen! Are you ready for JULY 23rd? Hope you are because it’s going to be a big night! MORE INFORMATION COMING SOON ON THE CHARITY ORGANISATION, RAFFLE PRIZES & SPONSORS. Don't forget that after the concert there will be an 80's & 90’s music dance party until morning with DEEJAY ANTOMATTEI & DJ E SMOOVE! Deejay Antomattei Antomattei, who is frequently credited as DJ Antomattei of Tokyo (born Marc Tolin Antomattei on January 4, 1983 in El Paso, Texas) is a professional disc jockey that is both a musical connoisseur and an autodidact; He is known for playing many eclectic styles of music including house, hip hop, soul, acid-jazz, disco, lounge, bossa nova, and salsa among other styles. The self-pr...

NGOs looking for staff, interns and consultants

Many people want to work in NGOs but do not know where to look --- Janic has a page with listings - many opportunities! Here are just a few examples from 07/16 ■ NGOの運営を支えるインターン募集 広報担当 07/15 夏休み期間限定 学生インターン 急募! 07/15 マーケティング部 広報インターン募集 07/15 ボランティア20名募集!世界貧困デーのキャンペーン「スタンド・アップ」 07/14 東日本大震災 被災者支援プログラム チームリーダー募集 07/14 JHP・学校をつくる会 東京事務所契約職員募集 07/14 支援者サービス担当嘱託職員を募集します。 07/14 東日本大震災被災者支援事業 調整員募集 / KnK 07/14 サポーターサービス 担当 職員 急募 / KnK 07/13 NICCO英語翻訳ボランティア募集! 07/13 東日本大震災 被災者支援プログラム チームリーダー募集 07/13 日本大震災 被災者支援プログラム フィールドオフィサー(心のケア プロジェクト) 07/13 NPO法人ジャパンハート 国際看護研修生募集のお知らせ【締切間近!】 07/12 【NGOシェア】調査インターン募集! 07/11 【難民支援協会】職員募集(難民コミュニティ支援・就労支援事業担当)

To Tohoku: Rebuilding Japan - Sunday July 17

To Tohoku: Rebuilding Japan  Sunday  July 17          15:00- 20:30pm Info and discussions on volunteering for relief efforts With booths and presentations by NGO relief organizations Panel Discussion on earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis issues + Barbecue! Event  Schedule 3:00pm:  Open 3:00-8:00pm NGO booths (Peace Boat, TELL, NICCO, Free The Children Japan, AAR, JEN, SHARE, Eat and Energize the East! The Nippon Foundation Road Project, OXFAM Japan, Japan Platform) 3:30pm:  Welcome by U.S. Embassy officials and Temple University Japan 4:00-5:30pm:  Discussion Panel and Q & A featuring NGO leaders Panelists:    Mariko Fuwa, NICCO, Community development issues and activities Sanae, NakaJima, Free the Children Japan,  Youth supporting youth in Fukushima Linda Semlitz, TELL,  Psycho social support and disaster first aid Tatsuya Yoshioka, Peace Boat,...

General notes and observations from the June 13-21 Tohoku trip

General notes and observations: 1. Evacuation centers Big gaps in quality and services Some centers have a lot of goods and some do not Some are cramped and some have space Some have sophisticated barriers and some places the leaders will not allow them to use the barriers People are slowing moving out: 1. Temp housing 2. Back to own homes – not completely destroyed but not necessarily safe 3. With family members 4. To public housing in other parts of Japan * What about the people in evac centers outside Tohoku? * Needs: legal services * Support for GBV 2. Temp housing People being moved in different ways 1. Lottery, 2 mixing up people to have diverse demographics 3. Moving communities   4. Moving in those who want to go first Issues: re: temp housing Land and timetable Since land is insufficient – not everyone will be moved in by Sept as planned Particularly in Iwate 2 years limit – based on Kobe experience, where some people stayed for 5+years No one believes this – ...


◎ Sunday July 17  15:00- 20:00 TO TOHOKU: REBUILDING JAPAN Info and discussions on volunteering  for relief efforts With booths and presentations by NGO + BBQ! Location:  U.S. Embassy Housing compound for more information contact  Please send your full name e-mail by July 12 (Wed) to get on list! Location:  U.S.  Embassy  Housing compound in Minato-ku, Tokyo (Akasaka) Sponsor and Host:   The U.S.  Embassy , Tokyo - Japan Defense Attache Office                                                                        ...