
Showing posts from May, 2011

We Care Japan

KVH has requested that we send out a press release regarding the We Care Japan portal –! en   Created in response to the BCCJ Disaster Relief forum on March 31. The key to the site’s success was always going to hinge upon buy in from the NPOs / volunteers, regarding the needs / gaps in relief they were aware of. BCCJ Disaster Relief Forum opens “We care! Japan ( ” Japanese/English information matching website to help facilitate the flow of aid to hard-to-reach disaster areas in Tohoku - This open-network site enables the fine-tuned, timely allocation of aid and support from non-Japanese communities in response to the needs of survivors who are not living in emergency shelters - May 30 2011 - Almost three months on from the twin disasters of March 11, and gaps in aid delivery to Tohoku still exist. While infrastructure is being successfully rebuilt, survivors are moving from emergency shelters into temporary housi...


公益社団・財団法人 震災関連指定寄附金制度説明会 ~震災関連指定寄附金制度の内容と実務手続きを中心に~ ■日時:2011年6月6日(月) 14:00-16:00 ■場所:アイビーホール 地下2階「サフラン」東京都渋谷区渋谷4-4-25 html ■交通アクセス:地下鉄 銀座線・半蔵門線・千代田線、表参道駅下車(B3出口より徒歩5分) ■定員:100名(先着順) ■参加費:無料 ■内容:・震災関連指定寄附金制度の概要 ・指定寄附金の確認申請、指定後の報告など実務的な手続き ・平成23年度税制改正法案、寄附金に係る税額控除制度の導入等 ・質疑応答 ■講師(敬称略、説明順): (1) 震災関連指定寄附金制度について 財務省主税局税制三課 課長補佐 磯見竜太 財務省主税局税制三課 課長補佐 藤田泰弘 内閣府大臣官房公益法人行政担当室 企画官 木村正之 内閣府大臣官房公益法人行政担当室 参事官補佐 黒澤 聡明 (2) 平成23年度税制改正法案―市民公益税制について― 公益財団法人公益法人協会 専門委員 鈴木 修 ■主催:公益財団法人 公益法人協会 ■お申込み: 下記(1)から(7)の事項を明記の上、 件名を「震災関連指定寄附金制度説明会 参加申込み」 として、 メールで下記アドレスへお送りください。 お申込み先アドレス→ 震災関連指定寄附金制度説明会 参加申込書 (1)氏名(フリガナ): (2)ご所属: (3)お役職: (4)ご住所: (5)電 話: (6)メールアドレス: (7)あらかじめご質問があればご記入ください: ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------ ◎定員になり次第締め切らせていただきます。 申込み多数により定員を超え、  お断りする場合のみ、ご連絡させていただきます。 ■お問い合わせ: 担当:長沼、柴崎 TEL 03-6824-9875

Second Harvest Japan’s Disaster Relief Plan: Phase II

Phase II Plan Over the next two years we will work with local agencies and relief organizations to establish a food lifeline and food safety-net in the region. Our work will always be linked to long-term recovery and economic development. We have begun the process of identifying these organizations and determining their immediate needs and ability to carry out these goals. We believe that as many as five locations will be needed to cover the area from Iwaki-shi in the south to Miyako in the north. While it is too early to provide precise estimates on funding needs, we believe this project could cost upwards ¥80 million over the next two years. We want to thank all of our donors. We have raised more than ¥50 million for this project. As we move ahead we will be reaching out to businesses and foundations who have expressed a desire to support our efforts in the region. Your ongoing support will make it possible for us to not only reach those in need in Tohoku, but anywhe...
Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support (JEARS).     We formed our group on March 12 and immediately went into action to assist animals that have been injured, displaced or abandoned due to the earthquake.   We also support people in Tohoku who are struggling to care for their pets/animals by offering to temporarily or permanently care for their animals (for example, finding new permanent homes) and providing much needed supplies that have been difficult to come by since March 11. Our group is in desperate need of supplies (for example, cages which we are constantly having to pay a lot to purchase).  The purpose of my e-mail to you is to enquire about the possibility of running an advertisement for such supplies in your publication.  If you normally charge for such advertisements, due to the nature of our group (volunteer), and due to limited funds, we wish to kindly request that an advertisement be run free of charge. If you are agreeable to ...

JEARS needs your help - Tohoku volunteering

JEARS (Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support) are in urgent need of a small group of volunteers for 2 tasks. 1 to be part of the ground team rescuing (yes this is still happening!) and relocating pets from Fukushima and other areas in the Tohoku region. JEARS has 2 cars in the field but we are always looking for drivers with 4WD or a van. Volunteers should have a love for animals, must speak Japanese, have a drivers license, be able to look after themselves and think out of the box in unusual situations. We desperately need people who can spend weekdays with our crew as well as weekends. 2. To help at one of the 3 shelters. Weekends ok Shelter Locations: Near Niigata city, Hikone, Shiga ken, Tokushima, Shikoku. Volunteers should have a love for animals, must be reasonably bilingual, a drivers license is useful. 3. Transporters. We also need drivers with van or large car based in Niigata, Sendai/Fukushima, Ibaragi or Tokyo area to transport a...

Refugees International Japan for World Refugee Day

Monday June 20, 2.00pm to 5.00pm Refugees International Japan for World Refugee Day Refugees International Japan Student group will have a film screening and bake sale  Location: Sacred Heart International School, 4-3-1 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0012  Access info and map: index.php?sc=0209&mode=folder Details still to be finalised For more information, email Kanako Kashima: URL:  http://w ww.

3 concerns about Tohoku: PART 2 Gender issues

Three concerns I have now about where we are going in Tohoku PART 2 is about Gender  Women's rights vs. protecting women I have been writing and reading trying to get information about what is going on with regards to GV and post disaster support for women. Gender based and sexual violence tends to raise during/after disasters – natural and/or human made. In disaster management, it is important to take measures to not only looking out for GBV. However since Japan is a “safe” country some organizations have put aside the precautions they would ordinarily follow if they were doing relief work elsewhere. No doubt GBV goes un/under -reported in all countries and Japan is no exception. However in times of crisis when the violence rises it is even more important not to suspend the rights and protections of women and children. There are individuals and groups giving out whistles and cards with hotline numbers, but we need to also heighten the level of understanding that this is ...

3 concerns about Tohoku: PART 1 Season issues

Three concerns I have now about where we are going in Tohoku  PART 1.  Seasonal issues or the issues we must face if we are to be effective in spring - rainy season and summer Rainy season is almost upon us. Rainy season brings with many other issues to deal with and how we address them as   a society and as individuals will be important in determining future outcomes and social impacts. A. landslides:  "Landslides are a threat to at least 210 evacuation centers in the three prefectures most affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, a government land study has found."  Read more   in English or Japanese NGOs and community groups need to know the status of the places they work in order to adequately help people and prepare volunteers. A. health issues such as infectious disease and food poisoning. Infectious illnesses just pass mo...

I need at least 1 more volunteer.

June - August We will be getting a lot of NGO materials in Japanese i need 1 or 2 people to do 2 different type of support work: role 1 Someone who can help by reading Japanese documents (reports and web based research) and writing up summaries. The English does not need to be perfect. this can be done online 100% role 2 translating ngo grant materials we may need to meet or talk on the phone you may need to call the NGOs or community groups directly to get details in order to get the right information. ________ Other volunteers some NGOs want to work directly with NGOs for the translation of their materials in this case native Japanese language skills are necessary.

interesting series on design and rebuilding

イベント・講演会 シリーズ 3.11以後の日本と社会デザイン 第2回 復興を考える前に 東日本大震災は私たちが生まれ、はぐくみ、生活を営んできた日本の国土と社会、人間の関係に大きな変容を迫る未曽 有の惨事といえましょう。地震津波の猛威を前にしての茫然自失、そしていつ終わるのか予想もつかない原発事故の恐怖を思えば、復興を考えることがいかに困 難な業であるか自問自答せざるを得ません。とはいえ世界の文明史を振り返るならば、復興と再建は人間の宿命です。復興は必ずなされるでしょう。しかし、ど のような復興なのか。今回の講演会においては復興再建を考える前に私たちが思いを馳せ、考えをめぐらさなければならない事柄について議論を深めたいと思い ます。 日時 2011年5月28日(土)14:00~18:10 場所 池袋キャンパス14号館2階 D201教室 講師 室崎 益輝 氏(関西学院大学総合政策学部教授) パネリスト 川村 仁弘(21世紀社会デザイン研究科・経営学部教授) 中村 陽一(21世紀社会デザイン研究科教授・研究科委員長、法学部教授) 北山 晴一(立教大学名誉教授、21世紀社会デザイン研究学会会長) 司会 笠原 清志(経営学部・21世紀社会デザイン研究科教授) 対象者 本学学生、教職員、校友、一般 ※申込不要 内容 <第1部>防災、地域計画の専門家であるばかりでなく、社会のあり方、人々のつながりについても高い識見をもつ室崎 益輝氏に講演をしていただく。 <第2部>「社会デザイン」の観点からパネラーによるディスカッションを実施予定。 主催 立教大学大学院21世紀社会デザイン研究科、立教大学社会デザイン研究所、21世紀社会デザイン研究学会 協力 災害救援ボランティア推進委員会 問合せ先 立教大学社会デザイン研究所気付 21世紀社会デザイン研究学会事務局 TEL:03-3985-4725 (月・木・金)12:30~20:30 (土)10:30~16:30

ACCJ and Peace Boat come together

 Coming together to help the people of Tohoku shared by David Slater

Women's hotlines - for GBV, DV, and health

 The purple hotline is taking call form women throughout Japan with special attention on women suffering form the disaster/ Besides Japanese, you can call in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Thai. (days and times are limited for languages other than Japanese.) local hotline numbers are listed below パープル・ホットラインは 災害や性暴力など、おもわぬ困難や被害に直面したとき、 いつでも、どこからでも、無料でかけられるフリーダイヤルです。 電話番号 0120-941-826 (全国どこからでも通話料無料)  toll free and 24H/7D *DV、レイプ、セクシュアルハラスメントなど女性に対する暴力被害のご相談 *被災された女性のご相談 *子どもの虐待に関すること *セクシュアルマイノリティの方のご相談 *外国籍女性の相談(だた今調整中ですが,できる限り対応していますので,ご相談ください) (ภาษาไทย(タイ語), Tagalog(タガログ語), 中文(中国語), 한국어 (韓国語), English(英語), Español (スペイン語)) *法律的なご相談:火曜日と木曜日10時から17時まで (日本弁護士連合会のご協力で弁護士がご相談を受けます) *シングルマザーの相談:火曜日10時から21時までと木曜日10時から17時まで (しんぐるまざあす・ふぉーらむのホットラインにつながります。 other hotlines 女性に対する暴力相談 for DV DV相談ナビ 配偶者からの暴力に関して全国共通ダイヤル( 0570-0-55210 )から、自動音声により、最寄りの相談窓口を案内し、希望する相談窓口に電話を転送いたします。 ▽女性と健康 women's health 女性の安心ホットライン(社団法人日本家族計画協会) [JPGファイル:298K] 女性特有の体の悩み、避妊等...

toll free consultations

電話相談の概要(法テラス等が主催しているもの) 東日本大震災電話相談 東日本大震災の被災者に対し、生活再建の一助となるべく支援を行うものとして、東京の弁護士会館に設置した電話にて弁護士による被災者を対象とした無料の電話相談です。 電話番号:    0120−366−556 受付期間:3月23日(水)より当面の間。平日のみ 午前10時〜午後3時 主催   :日本司法支援センター(法テラス)、日本弁護士連合会、東京弁護士会、第一東京弁護 士会、第二東京弁護士会 東日本大震災被災者・避難者支援 司法書士無料電話相談 東日本大震災による被害を受けた方々、避難をしている方々を対象に、司法書士が土地・建物、住宅 ローン、借家・借地関係、会社関係、財産管理などの相談に電話でお応えいたします。 電話番号:    0120−445528 受付期間:4月18日(月)から当分の間。平日午前10時から午後4時 主催  :日本司法支援センター(法テラス)、日本司法書士会連合会、司法書士会 ※ 各地の司法書士会へ電話がつながります。 ※ 電話がつながりにくい場合は、時間をおいてからおかけ直しください。 ※ IP電話からはおつなぎできません。 ※ 本電話相談は予告なく終了させていただく場合がございます。

Good neighbors report from Tohoku this Thursday

---------------------------- 東日本大震災活動報告会 グッドネーバーズ・ジャパン ------------------------------ ---------------------------- 【東日本大震災 復興支援活動報告会】のお知らせ 3月11日に甚大な被害をもたらした東日本大震災にあたり、グッドネーバーズ・ジャパンでは今までに培ってきた緊急支援のノウハウを活かし、3月14日より緊急支援を開始しました。現在、岩手県釜石市、大槌町を中心に以下の3つのプロジェクトを立ち上げ、復興支援に向けた活動を展開しております。 ■子ども支援プロジェクト:仮設幼稚園や、文房具支援、子どものレクリエーションなど。 ■シャワーブースプロジェクト:仮設シャワーブースの設置、運営について。 ■ボランティア派遣プロジェクト:ボランティアチームを組織し、被災地の住宅の泥出し、掃除など。 今回の報告会では、現在までの活動、現場の状況とこれからのプロジェクトについてお話し、みなさんからのご質問にもお答えします。 今日までに支援してくださった方はもちろん、これから支援やボランティアを考えている方、個人に限らず団体・企業様もぜひご参加ください。 【日程】5月26日(木) 【時間】18:00?19:30(17:30受付開始) 【定員】40名(先着順)【会場】JICA地球ひろば セミナールーム202 【参加費】無料 【参加条件】一般、法人 ※どなたでもご参加いただけます お申し込み 以下のページの申込フォームよりお申し込み下さい、

government’s policy towards revitalization

Guidebooks are now available, which depict a brief overview of the government’s policy towards revitalization and what victims can use as support programmes.   The books can be downloaded on line:

June 1 Panel discussion: NGOs working in Tohoku - flier

パネリスト ピースボート、吉岡達也、共同代表 NPO法人 ポラリスプロジェクト ジャパン 藤原志帆子、コーディネーター 公益社団法人日本国際民間協力会 (NICCO) 不破 麻理子、   東京事務所開設準備室 セーブ・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパン 定松 栄一、   事務局次長・事業部長 モデレータ:ロシート・セラジーン (that's me)

Tyler Foundation [Shine On! Rugby World Cup Charity Dinner & Auction]

Come and hear a panel of celebrated rugby experts including former Wallabies coach Eddie Jones , share their views on the 2011 Rugby World Cup to be held in New Zealand in October. There will also be an auction featuring amazing prizes such as a trip to the Dubai Sevens ! Venue : Tokyo American Club Date : July 1st, 2011 (Friday) Time : 6:30pm ~ 11pm Tickets : 15,000 yen per ticket/ 150,000 yen per table of ten Dress : Casual business All proceeds from the auction go to fund the Tyler Foundation 's Shine On! Tohoku Children’s Support Program . Seating is limited so please reserve your seat via PayPal using the following links: Buy one or more individual tickets Buy a table ticket (10 people) If you should have any questions or comments, please email or or call 03-4580-2770.

Looking for data on Orphans!

please let me know if you have any links or reliable data sources

June 4 concert for Japan Earthquake relief

BEC concert in aid of Japan Earthquake relief In cooperation with Otsuma Women's University, Otsuma Junior and Senior High School Saturday 4th June 5:30pm Otsuma Hall, Otsuma University Patron: Mr. David Warren (British Ambassador to Japan) Free admission: Donations collected, with all proceeds going to Ashinaga . Conducted by Steven Morgan Accompanied by Mariko Sano Guest Organist: Ernst-Erich Stender Selig sind die Toten  H Schütz Abendlied zur Gott  F J Haydn and others Kyrie & Gloria from Mass in B minor J S Bach Contact:

Another group in need of your support!

'Hahako' is a community-based, civilian group that offers pregnant women, parents, and children a safe evacuation from the disaster area. They're looking for people or groups who want to offer the victims a safe place to stay temporarily or long term--a free room or room rental, either public or private. The website is in Japanese only at the moment, but the registration form will be soon shown in English too. If you have any question about hahako, feel free to send me a message. I'll do my best to answer. 母子疎開ネットワーク「hahako」 母子疎開支援ネットワーク「hahako」・・・ 一人でも多く の赤ちゃんお母さん妊婦さんたちを安全な場所に! 民間での受入れ情報、空き家や廃校、個人団体といません、一時o r長期受入れ可能な情報お待ちしています。右の【求)受入れ情報 はコチラから】よりお寄せください。

June 4 peace boat fundraiser

Metropolis is holding a quake benefit rock event on June 4 in Shibuya. Blue Man Group will make a guest appearance. Proceeds will go to Peace Boat's Tohoku operation. Please join the fun everyone!

Charity Football, Friday June 10th

5-A-Side Charity Football, Friday June 10th with all proceeds going to Foreign Volunteers Japan to support the Tohoku Relief Effort. Tournament hosted and sponsored by IFG Asia Limited and Footniks. Date : Friday June 10th from 6pm – 10pm Venue : Think Park Futsal Court, Osaki Station. Near Footniks in Osaki Teams : 8 Teams of 5 people with subs (one female per team) Games : Minimum 4 games for each participating team Entry Fee : Y3,000 per player Awards Ceremony and Prize Draw at Footniks after the Event Prize Draw includes fabulous prizes including sports gear, meal vouchers, a case of beer and bottles of wine Footniks will donate Y200 to FVJ for each drink purchased Spectators very welcome

Tsuda International Training Program Spring courses

◆申込〆切:平成22年5月21日(土曜日) ◆申込方法:新規の方は説明会(5月21日(土曜日)にご参加ください。 お申込はこちらから ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ What should you do?「General Project Management Skillsコース」 関連HP: ◆研修期間: 平成23年5月26日〜7月28日(木曜日) 19:00-21:00  10回 ◆研修場所:津田塾大学オープンスクール(最寄駅:JR中央・総武線千駄ヶ谷駅、都営大江戸線国立競技場駅A4出口) (地図: ◆インストラクター セラジーン・ロシート 津田塾大学オープンスクールインストラクター、 組織とプロジェクト能力開発コンサルタント 注記:授業は英語で行われますが、講師は日本語も堪能です。 ◆ 定員: 15名 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ What’s going on?「Understanding the MDGs コース」 関連HP:◆研修期間: 平成23年5月24日〜7月26日(火曜日) 19:00-21:00  10回 ◆研修場所:津田塾大学オープンスクール(最寄駅:JR中央・総武線千駄ヶ谷駅、都営大江戸線国立競技場駅A4出口) (地図: ◆インストラクター セラジーン・ロシート 津田塾大学オープンスクールインストラクター、 組織とプロジェクト能力開発コンサルタント 注記:授業は英語で行われますが、講師は日本語も堪能です。 ◆ 定員: 15名 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ What can you do? 「...

June 1 Panel discussion: NGOs working in Tohoku

I am working on the event below which will likely be full. Space is limited to 50 people so sign up right away. 津田塾大学オープンスクールの国際機関・国際協力分野志望者研修プログラムの一環として2011年度第1回「国際開発と現場をつなぐInternational Development Seminar」を開催します。 パネル・ディスカッション: 東北地方でのNGO救援・支援活動 日時:2011年6月1日(水曜日) 19:00~20:50 (受付は18時半から) 場所:津田塾大学千駄ヶ谷キャンパス、津田ホール会議室 参加費:無料 講演言語:日本語 事前予約必要 (定員50名) お申し込み方法:オープンスクールホームページの申込フォームから 又は電話(03-3402-7333)でご予約ください。(5月21日から) 主催:津田塾大学オープンスクール  後援:国連広報センター パネリスト ピースボート 吉岡達也、共同代表 (ボランティアの力と東北の復興) NPO法人 ポラリスプロジェクト ジャパン 藤原志帆子、コーディネーター (ジェンダーとDV) 公益社団法人日本国際民間協力会 (NICCO) 不破 麻理子、   東京事務所開設準備室 セーブ・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパン 定松 栄一、   事務局次長・事業部長 (子どもたちへの支援活動) モデレータ:ロシート・セラジーン (that's me) 団体概要: ピースボート ピースボートは国連の特別協議資格を有する非営利の国際交流NG Oで、 50回を超える地球一周クルーズを通じて平和で持続可能な世界を 求め各国を巡っている。 災害緊急救援も神戸大震災以来国内外で取り組んでおり、 東日本大震災では宮城県石巻市に現在まで約2000人のボランテ ィアを送っている。 NPO法人 ポラリスプロジェクト ジャパン ポラリスプロジェクトは、被害者とのかかわりや、啓発・ 提言活動を通じて、、 日本...

An interesting article looking at the disaster from Philanthropy NY

Responding to 3/11: Helping with the Japan Disaster Philanthropy NY (NY Regional Association of Grantmakers

Mianichi article on gaps in disaster relief

Serious inequalities emerge in disaster relief donation distribution in 3 prefectures Serious inequality has emerged in the allocation of citizens' donations for the surviving family of those who died in the March 11 quake and tsunami because the range of relatives entitled to payments is different in the three hardest-hit prefectures.

for anyone interested in reading field reports

Peace Boat has put together a blog for volunteer stories and experiences ... some good photos too. have a look and share your org's stories!

looking for more information about who is helping women in Tohoku

yes i have gotten many emails about the problems women are facing - domestic violence, rape etc. but who is doing something to help them? contact me with your groups info!!!

Free The Children Japan (FTCJ) Volunteer and Leadership Trip to India 2011

FTCJ Volunteer and Leadership Trip to India 2011 - Coming Together with Indian Children and Renovations at The Health Center- Free The Children Japan (FTCJ) have been supporting children of the world so they can be liberated from poverty and educated to become independent. We will be having a Volunteer and Leadership Trip to India in August! On this year's trip we will be renovating a Health Center in Udawad Village. Apart from the renovation we also have these plans: 1. Interact with the children of Udawad Village. 2. Listen to a lecture about today's India by the staff of FTC India. 3. Take training to become Youth Leaders who work on international problems. 4. Sightseeing of the Taj Mahal, Delhi, Jaipur and Udaipur. Let's experience India! And, let's change the world together! ◆Guidelines for applicants: 【Visiting Region】India (Delhi and Udaipur, Rajasthan) 【Travel Schedule】8/6/2011 - Depart Narita 8/14/2011 Arrive Narita 【Registratio...

International Development Hour for Tohoku| Tokyo, Japan | 25 May 2011

International Development Hour for Tohoku| Tokyo, Japan | 25 May 2011 English info below 当社では、「Devex国際協力ハッピーアワー」という、援助機関や国際機関、開発コンサル企業、民間企業、NGO、大学関係者など、国際協力に従事する多様な人材がリラックスした雰囲気の中出会い、垣根を越えて情報交換やネットワーク作りを促進 することを目的としたイベントを実施しています。 7回目を迎える今回は趣旨を変え、国際協力業界関係者が東北地方の復旧・復興に向けて活躍する国際協力NGOなどの活動について情報共有すると共に、各自が出来る貢献を考え、そうした機会を提供する場としたいと考えています。 東北地方で未曾有の大地震及び津波が3月11日に発生して以来、通常海外で災害支援や緊急支援を行っている国際協力NGO/NPOが現地入りをし、その経験やスキルを生かし政府や行政では届かないきめ細かい被災地支援を展開しています。お忙しい中 参加頂けるこうしたNGOの方々に、現地の状況や活動内容が分かる資料をご持参頂くと共に、現地ニーズや必要な人材などについて発表して頂く予定です。 また、テレビさえろくに見られず、刺激の無い日々の中で通常の世界から切り離された喪失感に苦んでいる被災地の方々に向けて、参加者の皆様のメッセージを当日お書き頂くか、お持ちより頂きたいと思います。文章でも、絵でも、写真でも何でも構いませんので、被災地の方々を勇気づけ元気を与えるメッセージをお願いします(趣旨に賛同するNGOの方々を通じて被災地に届ける予定です)。 同僚の皆様やご友人に本メールをご自由に転送いただき、お誘いあわせのうえご参加くださ。 日時:2011年5月25日(水)7:30PM - 10:00PM 場所:CAFE PARK(カフェパーク) 東京都渋谷区恵比寿1-21-15コンフォリア代官山B1 TEL: 03-6416-0122 日比谷線「恵比寿駅」より徒歩2分 ウェブサイト: 入場料:1,500円(1杯分の飲み物代を軽食を含む。一部を支援金に充てる予定です。) 申し込み:以下のサイトからご登録ください。

Workshop for mothers in Tokyo May 27

Wa-Navi Japan, a group of interpreters, japanese language teachers and researchers related to international cooperation have newly gathered to organize the charity workshop as follows. We'd appreciate it very much if you could help us get the word out and invite mothers so that they can feel more confident and secure living in Japan and help the pregnant and nursing mothers affected in Tohoku at the same time. Thank you for your cooperation. Faithfully, Motoko Kimura ********************************************: Dear International Mothers living in Tokyo Here are details for a critical & timely workshop, geared especially for foreign mothers living in Tokyo. Charity Workshop for Tohoku ...Be Prepared: Practical Strategies Using Japanese in the Face of Earthquakes. 1,000 yen plus an opportunity to donate more to this devastated region All monies go to Tokyo Satogaeiri Project, directly helping pregnant women and nursing mothers recover & care for their ch...

useful map for people who want to volunter

JCN has a map on their site which shows locations and organizations that are taking volunteers. A blue flag means they are looking for vols and a green flag means they are not accepting vols at this time.

Sexual violence in the disaster areas

Some reports are finally coming out Reports of sexual violence remain a rarity in disaster zones as both women and the media keep quiet Appeal for provisions to prevent sexual violence during a disaster Act Now! Sample Letter or Email to Leaders in Japan Disaster Recovery Efforts: Multilingual Hotline Service for Women Affected by the Disaster

From Polaris Project Japan

Japanese Government Announces Measures for Supporting Women and Children in Disaster-Struck Regions In a move to prevent crime in disaster-struck regions, the government has established a working group to provide policy measures for ensuring the safety and well being of those living in these areas. The working group released its report, “Ensuring Safety and Well-being in Disaster-Struck Regions” on April 6, The website of the working group   A PDF file of the full report Get more information by following them on Twitter

companies overseas are in this too

How are British companies coping with the aftermath of the earthquake? an interview with Lori Henderson, Executive Director of the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan

TVAC has a bilngual essay online

【Essay】 Volunteering at Soma City, Fukushima by Justin Boley 福島・相馬市での災害ボランティア体験 by ジャスティンさん share this around ...

GW Volunteer numbers

From 「全社協 被災地支援・災害ボランティア情報」 Golden Week volunteer numbers                                 Iwate     Miyagi     Fukushima   Total 4月28日            800       2,600       500   3,900 4月29日          1,600      3,800       1,200    6,600 4月30日          2,200      5,600       1,600    9,400 total March and April    45,300   110,600   34,900   190,800                            Iwate     Miyagi     Fukushima   ...

Drive for Daily Items:hands on now through May 13th

Donation Item Details &; Guidelines Please read the following guidelines carefully. Your cooperation will allow us to prepare the items for delivery more quickly. 1. New or unused items to be donated:  Socks (for males, females, children, and infants)  Room Slippers (Please see below for sample pictures)  Rubber gloves (Please see below for sample pictures)  Bath towels  Toothbrush and toothpaste for children. ** Please avoid sending used items. 2. Please mail the items to the following address: Hands On Tokyo (Relief Drive) Executive Tower Azabudai #402, 1-4-3 Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0041 TEL (03) 3583-2135 If you would like to bring the items to the office, please call the office in advance (03) 3583-2135 so that we can make sure a staff member is present to assist you in the drop-off. We will be able to assist you Monday-Friday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. 3. Please write the contents on the outside of the cardboard box for easy processing at the site....

sites with information in English on PWDs in Tohoku

Relief Headquarters for Persons with Disabilities of Tohoku-Kanto Great Earthquake

Fuskushima citizens are looking to work with NGOs

Bond and Justice Local people helping each other when others are afraid to venture! They work in northern Fukushima and southern Miyagi. They are looking for organizations with professional skills to work with. they know the political restraints, they have the local network and they know what their needs are - what they need are items and groups to support their work. they have been renting vans and trucks and getting money from local people but people in Fukushima need more support from others. Please share information and get in touch with them if you can. Their email to me: We are concentrating on FUKUSHIMA and other cities in MIYAGI. So please keep in touch to overcome this insanity here in Japan. Since we are just group of civilians with PASSION and ACTION consists of music and restaurant industries. We are applying to form an official nonprofit organization right now so we would appreciate any support or guidance from experienced organizations. I really appreciate you...

looking for info ...

If you know of any groups doing work on violence against women in Tohoku - in shelters, homes or other --- please let me know. VAW in post disaster situations is a serious problem any where and there is no good to come from ignoring it because we are in "safety" Japan.

More maps and info on the "All 311 Info site"

Information on Tohoku resources and who is doing what where a variety of maps on "All 311 Info site" which are the most update and useful? not really sure ...

Kozmoz intl

  What are Kozmoz Internationals goals? Our goals are simply to feed the hungry and clothe and house the poor as well as bring awareness of these needs to those that can help.  latest post on their site Disaster Needs Update 4/26 This week our truck was full of Vegetables at the request of the Ishinomaki Senshu Daigaku supply coordination center. ..... Presently, KOZMOZ is sending trucks as soon as they are full each week. Of course this will be an ongoing effort but for now we will be focusing on providing funds and rice to be followed with providing essentials and continual support over the coming year. Kozmoz is 100 percent staffed with volunteers and as such has a minimal of administrative costs and pays no salaries whatsoever.

Useful site with info tohoku issues

there is a map that can be accessed in multiple langauges. has information on transport, evac centers. Note that not all the data has been verified.

Animals in the 20 kilometer exclusion zone in Japan

Animal rescue volunteers in Japan's earthquake and tsunami effected areas continue to be very concerned about the animals that we know remain in the 20 kilometer exclusion zone. This area has now been officially sealed by the Japanese government, leaving thousands of pets inside without care. We are asking that people contact the Japanese government, urging them to allow rescue groups to help. These animals have now gone over a week without people coming in to feed them... v=bVeUhXQq3yU Animals left alone in the 20 kilometer exclusion zone in Japan need your help now. We are asking people to send a comment to this government link: foreign/forms/comment_ssl.html Please remind the government that the pets in the 20 kilometer zone are loved and wanted. They should not stay there to starve, nor should they be removed to go to animal control facilities. Many guardians cannot get back to the area to retrieve their pets...