
Showing posts from April, 2011

Guides for people who want to volunteer in Tohoku

Re scue Stockyard has some useful info posted on their site for people who go up north to volunteer

From JCN

緊急のお願い】※掲載が不要になった場合はご一報ください ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ◆【緊急】ガイガーカウンターの提供お願い致します( グレーゾーンで活動中)[0425]JCNML(HCR/ Heart Care Rescue 三浦さん  090-5517-3200 ) ◆南三陸町で活動を予定されていらっしゃる方は、 災害ボランティアセンター(ベイサイドアリーナ) での登録をお願いします。[0427]JCNML( 認定NPO法人JHP・学校をつくる会 小山内さん・国際ボランティア・カレッジ 鳥居さん  03-6435-0812) ◆石巻,女川,雄勝,牡鹿に入るルート:渋滞を緩和するため、 東北道・古川IC→国道47号線→古川市街→国道108号線→ 前谷地→主要地方道・河南米山線→県道・神取河北線( 前谷地からは複数ルートあり)等で,迂回しながら,石巻,女川, 雄勝,牡鹿に入られますよう,お願いいたします。[0426] JCNML(気仙沼には,一ノ関⇔ 気仙沼間のJR大船渡線はすでに,運転再開済)(グランディ・ 21村松さん/宮城県警察/泉PAの「 ボランティアインフォメーションセンター」022‐377‐ 3122)   ◆東北スポーツボランティアサミット:5月2日(月) 宮城県総合運動公園グランディ・21の参加者[0427] JCNML(グランディ・21村松さん ) ◆【急募】名古屋から七ヶ浜(宮城県) までのマイクロバスを運転していただける方を募集します。 大型免許をお持ちで、1泊2日の日程で参加可能な方は、 電話やメールで個別にご連絡ください。[0420]JCNML( レスキューストックヤード info@rsy-nagoya. com ) ◆5月から7月まで、 お手伝いいただける小児科医を探しています。期間は最低1週間。 併せて、小児科経験ありの看護師・保健師も募集中。高校生( 中学生、小学生も来ています)、保育者、保育士など) も募集中です。(JFAS「赤ちゃん一時避難プロジェクト」 岡野谷さん )  

May 5th (Thursday) fundraiser

Friends are planning an event to raise money for those up north! This is going to be in conjunction with the Japanese Whisky Association and you will be able to try some amazing whiskey! Here is what we are sending our friends: Please forward to any person who you think might enjoy the night. 日本語は英語のうしろにあります。 Rare single cask whiskies + hidden Tokyo bar + Tohoku relief Here's the deal: We go to a cool hidden bar on the University of Tokyo's main campus, they sell us shots of their rare single cask whiskies at up to half the normal price, and 50% of the takings go to Tohoku. The whisky: The drinks will be from the Scotch Malt Whisky Society, a 30,000 member society which bottles exceptional single cask whiskies and sells only to its members. Usually, you'll pay around 1,600 to 2,400 yen for a shot, but for this event, everything will be 1,000 yen, and 500 yen of that will go to Tohoku relief. The Japanese branch of the Society has also agreed to dig out some very s...

emergency toilets

i forgot how much we take for granted ... the Japan Toilet Institute is in the field working on getting toilets to people in Tohoku! plus they have been preparing vids and guidelines for evacuation centers toilets and they have all types of toilets

more events and orgs

Artists without borders FROM HAITI TO JAPAN An exhibition of drawings by Haitian children Hope Note a website dedicated to connecting Japan and the rest of the world. JEARS information Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support (JEARS) is a collaboration of three established and registered no kill animal rescue NPOs in Japan.

Resources for GW volunteers

Volunteer insurance   ボランティア保険について (参照: )  Volunteer manual: (参照: )

items needed in tohoku

◆防犯ブザー。 子どもや女性の皆さまにメッセージカードと共に防犯ブザーを手渡 します[0429]JCNML(岩手県BBS連盟/ BONDプロジェクト 佐々木さん  070-5620-3493 ) ◆【緊急】ガイガーカウンターの提供お願い致します( グレーゾーンで活動中)[0425]JCNML(HCR/ Heart Care Rescue 三浦さん  090-5517-3200 ) ◆園芸用土、ポット、有機肥料 ※用途:石巻市周辺および海辺の離村で被災者の皆さんに花・ 野菜の種を配布するため[0427]JCNML( NPO法人OWS 田中さん ) ◆画用紙、塗り絵、クレヨン、粘土、粘土板、折り紙、 ままごとセット、 太陽光で充電できる机上用のランプSunlite(tm)、 大量の使い捨てのプラスチックや紙コップ、紙皿[0426] JCNML(国際サイエントロジー災害救援ボランティア 五十嵐さん) ◆【病院などで喜ばれるモノ】乳性品→マーガリン、 スキムミルク、ジャム(イチゴ味)、 キュウリ、キャベツ、化粧水、リップクリーム、シャンプー, リンス、ボイラー、ボディソープ [0428]JCNML(「東北救済プロジェクト」 の吉川さん調べ) ◆【避難所で不足しがちなモノ】 肌着(M・L以上 男女とも)、靴下(22㎝以上・厚手のもの)、ショーツ(M・ L以上 男女とも)、パッド入りキャミソール、ハンガー、ジャージ、 スウェット(M・L以上 男女とも,なるべく美品)、洗濯ばさみ、学童期の洋服,肌着, 下着、子供が好きそうなシールやシール帳、ぬりえ、色鉛筆、 クーピー、男児用,女児用おもちゃ [0428]JCNML(「東北救済プロジェクト」 の吉川さん調べ) ◆【東北三県で不足がちなもの募集】体重計,血圧計,液体洗剤, 靴下,醤油差し,リンス,乳液,化粧水,スキンケア用品, ブラジャー(L以上,綿のシンプルなもの),ショーツ(L以上, 綿のシンプルなもの),スリッパ,鏡, 入浴時の身体を洗うナイロンタオル, マクドナルドのハンバーガー,薪ストーブ, 30リットルの給水タンクなど、ご提供ください。[0425] JCNML( 神戸国際支援機構x支縁のまちネットワーク代表x宗教者災害支援 連絡会 岩村さん  kiso@mbe...

Drivers needed needs volunteer drivers for taking radiation readings in effected areas.

sending donations to the hardest hit prefectues

 Some shared this with me .... You can send donations DIRECTLY to the locales that are hardest hit,  Donating to the Ibaraki Prefectural Disaster Recovery Fund: n/kokuko/en/data/donate.pdf Ibaraki Prefecture donations contact information: Phone 81-29-301-2862 Email Fukushima Prefecture International Affairs Division web site: International Affairs Division, Fukushima Prefectural Government 2-16 Sugitsumacho, Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan 960-8670 Phone: 81-024-521-7182 Email Miyagi Prefecture web English information: Government International Affairs Division 3-8-1 Honcho Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8570 Phone: 81-022-211-2972 Email Iwate Prefecture Culture and International Relations Division http://www.pref.i...

messages for Japan

I really like this kind of thing ... but wonder will the people in the centers ever get the messages? i mean if the messages just stay on line then most of the survivors will never see them and then what?

Tasukeai English website launched

  Some overlap with the info from various site but with the government seal of approval! Find out who is doing what and who needs you help

Message from the government on GW volunteering

For those wishing to participate in volunteer activities during Golden Week holiday - the cabinet office Volunteer coordination unit  has a short message: 5 key points are raised .... 1)Reconstructing the victims’ lives is the first priority. 2) Prepare yourself with necessary information prior to volunteering. Being self-sufficient is fundamental. 3) Coming as a group is preferred. 4) Be flexible to meet the needs.     5) We have a long way to go. * Why they did not send out this info last week ???  i have not idea!

Events in Japan related to the Tohoku disaster

【イベント情報】 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ◆「東日本大震災支援活動状況報告会&被災地元気アッププロジェクト」 日時 4月29日(金)15:00~17:00 場所 カーネーションプラザ(長岡大手通2丁目3-1 旧大和デパート) 会費 2000円(酒代、食材費込み) 申込み・お問い合わせ 東日本大震災ボランティアバックアップセンター TEL/FAX 0258-32-9997 E-MAIL ※4月28日(金)までに、名前、所属、人数、連絡先をお知らせください。 ◆「東日本大震災の震災現場からの報告会 ~今後の希望に向けて~」 震災現場の「現実」を少しでも知り合い、今後の希望に向けた議論を 行うために報告会を開催します。皆様のご参加をお願い致します。 日時 2011年4月30日(土) 13:30~16:30 (開場13:15) 場所 piaNPO(大阪市港区築港2-8-24) 地図 詳細 主催 市民活動情報センター ◆女性のために、「5月1日災害と雇用集中ホットライン」 From May 1 women's hotline set up 日時:5月1日 14時ー21時 0120‐787‐956 チラシを避難所の掲示板などに貼っていただけたら幸いです。 ダウンロード=> 団体:働く女性の全国センター 伊藤さん 03-5304-7383 ◆「東北スポーツボランティアサミット」~スポーツボランティアに何ができるか~ sport volunteer summit 主催 グランディ・21ボランティア 日時 平成23年5月2日(月)14:00~17:00 場所 宮城県総合運動公園グランディ・21/合宿所1階研修室...

2 volunteers or 1 intern needed for May - July

I am in need of volunteers or an intern to help me with online research and compiling data on what NGOs are doing in English. since most of the materials are in Japanese - at least 1 native Japanese reader would be needed -but a pair would be best. If you are student here in Tokyo i can also help you arrange to get credit as an intern. Leave a comment for me and i will get back to you over GW.

Volunteering event tonight!

Information Session on Relief Volunteering When: April 28th (Thursday) 5:00-7:00pm Where: Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus; Bldg. #9, room 256 Map: Host: Sophia Intercultural Forum Open to all free of charge; English (and some Japanese) Two prominent NPOs that have been on the front lines of the Tohoku Disaster are coming to talk about the relief effort, the experience of volunteering and what sort of support is needed right now: Second Harvest: Peaceboat: There are lots of safe and effective ways to volunteer, some right here in Tokyo. The options explored here will be include those suitable for foreign and bilingual volunteers, but should be useful for all. Please come and hear what these organizations are doing and find out what you can do too.

New group in Fukushima needs your support!

Bond and Justice local people helping each other when others are afraid to! Their email to me: We are concentrating on FUKUSHIMA and other cities in MIYAGI. So please keep in touch to overcome this insanity here in Japan. Since we are just group of civilians with PASSION and ACTION consists of music and restaurant industries. We are applying to form an official nonprofit organization right now so we would appreciate any support or guidance from experienced organizations. I really appreciate your quick response and deep kindness to people in Fukushima!

Golden week volunteering - tips

Much to the surprise of many people - this Golden Week - very few groups have large scale volunteering programs set up. Peace Boat already has their 500 people assigned to teams to do food prep and mud clearing. I know many of you want to head up to help. If you are inclined to go up - Go through an organization or group already set up. MOST ACCEPT VOLUNTEERS AS THEY NEED THEM, NOT ALL THE TIME. Do not be surprised that you might be turned away if you just show up. Contact an organization or a local disaster volunteer center first and ask them about their needs. Let them know when and how long you can help out for and ask if there are any particular things you will need to bring: For nonJapanese if you have limited Japanese language skills, go with people who are fluent.  To be effective you will need to be able to communicate with people - otherwise you will be draining off resources that are already lacking. Remembe...

3 NGO job openings - IMC in Japan

these are 3 positions that we want to employ national staff: 1. country representative JOB SUMMARY The Country Representative is directly responsible for the overall strategic planning, human resources, program design and implementation, program support operations, finance, administration, monitoring and evaluation supervision, expansion/development, and required reporting for the country program. ESSENTIAL RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Program Management • Develop country specific strategic plan and proposals for programs that will successfully transition our relief programs to early recovery and transition to more long-term development programs. • Represent the organization and liaise with local and national authorities, UN, NGO, and donor agencies to promote the organizations programs, facilitate successful coordination of activities and ensure transparency and accountability to all stakeholders • Participate in writing and reviewing proposal applications • Provide technical input...

Teachers For Japan

An initiative started to raise money for students in Tohoku impoverished or orphaned by the recent tsunami as well as assist in the rebuilding of local school communities. You can find more information on the website. .

To all the people who want to help with translation ... please see these pages

So many people have offered to help out! thanks! if you have not been contacted yet - it is because we got so many people offering to help - please visit the sites below to find out what needs there are. Tasukeai Japan is looking for volunteers who can help Japanese-to-English translation. The work will be done through tasks shared through a facebook group. You can either commit to translating a whole piece, or contribute in the time you can by raising your hand in being part of a "social translation" process. Details will be explained when you join the group, so pelase ask to be invited if you are interested and willing to help. Thank you so much in advance!  - the Tasukeai Japan team Facebook translation team: home.php?sk=group_ 198793073477516&ap=1 Tasukeai Japan Japanees site: Tasukeai Japan facebook page: TasukeaiJapan

Another NGO in need of good for people in Tohoku

一般財団法人 NGO時遊人 (Jiyu Jin) 2011年4月4日から4月15日 中古ランドセルを始め、多くの新品文房具が集まりました。現在募集を終了しております。ご協力ありがとうございました。 2011年4月16日から現地の需要に達するまで 現在こちらの募集のみを行っています。 募集内容詳細はこのページ上部をご確認ください。支援協力お願いします。 ■宮城県被災地全域 ■宮城県宮城県相馬市 南相馬市  →報告詳細 ■宮城県石巻北高等学校 ■福島県二本松市 ■岩手県教育委員会 ■宮城県被災地全域 ■宮城県石巻市北上総合支所災害対策支部 ※支援が確定した地域のみ記載しております。

Looking for info on the disaster volunteer centers and what they need?

The Japan civil net has a new map uploaded today of the disaster centers You can also get links to each regional office here

Tohoku Support Activities, May 2 to May 5

Tohoku Support Activities, May 2 to May 5 Friendship and Fund-raising:     * Help us raise hundred (thousands?!!) of Koi Nobori with messages dedicated to children  in emergency shelters     * Performances in Zonohana Park     * Fashion Show - featuring special designs by Jessica Rodriguez of Peru     * Booths featuring fund-raising sales of T-shirts and organic products     * Sidewalk art Dates: May 3/4/5, 2011 Location:  Yokohama Minato Mirai district “Zonohana Koen” Time:     * 10 am through 3 pm on May 3rd and 4th     * 10 am through 6 pm on May 5th Booths will be set up throughout the 3 day outdoor event offering a variety of educational exhibits, fund-raising activities and entertainment for children. Funds raised will be donated to Hope International Development Agency relief efforts and community rebuilding initiatives aligned with the 5ivePl...

Big Issue Scottland pages about Japan and the EQ

This comes to me via Miku Sanno the Tokyo director for Big Issue Japan.  She spoke at the FEW monthly meeting on March 10  ... yes that was just 1 day before the EQ hit!  Find out more about the Big Issue Japan  

Needed: information about post disaster gender based violence in Tohoku

I've been asked about "unconfirmed" reports of women who have been sexually assaulted in shelters recently.  Someone asked if personal alarms could be distributed to help women in centers. Although this is very common in post disaster situations i have yet to see any data or programs addressing these issues. If anyone out there has information on this issue and or knows who is providing support - please drop me a note. if you can introduce people who might know more that would also be helpful Please let me know what infromation can/cannot be shared publically.

Disaster Volunteer Centers and social welfare office contact info

SOCIAL WELFARE OFFICES This appears to be the biggest single volume of volunteer sites. Due to the huge destruction, not all were accepting volunteers when this list was compiled. But be sure to call first—do not just show up! All in Japanese unless otherwise noted. 全社協 被災地支援・災害ボランティア情報 National Volunteer Information Network 21011.html 東京都では、 このたびの東北地方太平洋沖地震による被災地の方々へ送る救援物 資を都民から集めております Tokyo Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health: Bilingual in parts http://www.fukushimakenshakyo. 社会福祉法人福島県社会福祉協議会では、 災害ボランティア活動のための支援資金を募集しております。 皆様の温かい善意をお待ちしております。 Fukushima Disaster Volunteer Center Their blog: html いわき市災害救援ボランティアセンターでボランティア募集。いわ き市内在住の方、避難所での支援物資の受け入れ作業です            Iwaki City Disaster Volunteer Center : A volunteer helping out the procedures of receivin...


AGGREGATOR SITES WITH USEFUL LINKS; MOSTLY JAPANESE ushahidi/ このサイトは震災情報をみんなで集め公開しているサイトです。 被災地復興を願うボランティアスタッフが運用しています A general site that brings earthquake, relief and volunteer information; Japanese 東日本大震災被災者支援のための調布ボランティア情報を掲載して います。 Useful site of up to date volunteer opportunities 東日本大震災におけるボランティア支援プロジェクト - Volunteer Support Project for Earthquake Disaster in Eastern Japan 「東日本大震災 災害ボランティア活動に初めて参加される方へ」 基礎事項フォーマットを掲載 ;   Japan Civil Network for Disaster Relief in East Japan: Japanese 日本国際飢餓対策機構( Japan International Food for the Hungry: 略して JIFH )は、非営利の民間国際協力団体( NGO )です。 spots/_volunteer.html NHK’s portal; points out the importance of volunteers being insured; in Japanese

Living Dreams supports the children in tohoku and needs your financial support

Living Dreams ( ) supports children's homes (orphanages) in the Tokyo area--and since 2008, they've been providing enriching and empowering programs to 33 homes (1600 children). In light of the devastating earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan, Living Dreams has teamed up with Smile Kids Japan ( ) to launch a very special 12 month+ project to support new orphans and affected orphanages in the Tohoku region.  On April 1st (EST), our project, after undergoing strict due diligence, was accepted onto the GlobalGiving site.   We now have exactly 30 days to raise a minimum of US$4000 in order to remain on GlobalGiving permanently and continue to raise funds - US$4000 must be raised by April 30.    They are looking to  families, friends and colleagues around the globe to help support our effort in any way possible. Donations start at just $10 . This is an amazing opportunity for Living Dreams and Smile Kids Japan--but ...

Medical Interpreters and Translators

FROM* MITA (Medical Interpreters and Translators Association) Japan Guide Consortium (NPO) Volunteer Interpreters Bureau is looking for volunteer medical interpreters (and English-speaking doctors and nurses) to assist relief assistance teams from overseas. The group's contact information is listed below and please feel free to forward this call to other listservs you subscribe to. Japan Guide Consortium (NPO) Volunteer Interpreters Bureau Tel: 03-3233-7518 Fax: 03-3294-7410 jgcvolunteers/ facebook > Japan-Guide-Consortium- Volunteer-Interpreters- Earthquake-Relief/ 149712655091836 mixi pl?id=5532488

Polaris project launchs relief effort for women

Polaris project launched relief effort for women and children right after the disaster.  Finally translated into English: search/label/English Please share with your network. Woman's group in Japan are also planning to launch long-term empowering campaign for women and children at site of disaster.

volunteer interpreters

Another opportunity for volunteer interpreters: volunteer2.html

teachers volunteering out of Sendai.

Daily buses from a volunteer center in the local university: . YouTube channel here: re=mhum

Disaster Volunteer Centers accepting volunteers

Now that we are entering the cleanup phase of the crisis, it looks like there are many Disaster Volunteer Centers accepting able-bodied volunteers who can shovel mud, clean up rubble, etc.  Volunteers are asked to provide their own transport, accommodations, food, etc. 3vc/ 県災害VC - 全社協 被災地支援・災害ボランティア情報 ◆被災者への義援金をお考えの方へ ◆災害ボランティア活動への寄付金をお考えの方へ

Milan Fashion world supports Japan


APRIL 14 EVENT REMINDER "Disaster and Recovery in Japan"

REMINDER: FEW APRIL MEETING  Disaster and Recovery in Japan Thursday, April 14, 2011 7:00-9:30 PM  Venue: The Wesley Center 6-10-11 Minami Aoyama Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062 Access Price: Members 3000 yen, Guests 6000 yen * includes light buffet and drinks NOTE: Men are also welcome as guests at FEW monthly meetings and events. Please sign up in advance if you can: Get more information: ALSO we will be collecting donations of fem-care products, and new underwear, bras and other essentials for women in the effected areas.  Please bring something for the women in Tohoku - we can only accept new items in unopened packages.  Disaster and Recovery in Japan Panel discussion on what is being done, what you can do, how we can help and how we can prepare ourselves in the future. We will have a presentation from each panelist and then a time for questions. Please join this ...

relief housing and temporary buildings

We are looking for organizations in Japan that need relief housing and temporary buildings. We have a large supply already built and can build to suit. 954-918-2442

A note from Fukushima

今回のメールでは、みなさんにまた一つ協力のお願いがあります。 福島県ではこの学期はじめに、 独自に各学校の放射線量の測定を開始 しました。その結果は、 福島県庁のウェブサイトで公開されています。 j/schoolmonitamatome.pdf  一行目の福島市の小学校から驚くべき数字が出ています。 地上1mの 高さで4.9マイクロシーベルト/時、1cmの高さで6. 3マイクロシーベル ト/時。子どもは背が低く、 土ぼこりとともに舞い上がる放射性物質を 吸い込みやすいとされていますし、また、小さな子など、 いくら注意し ても、地面に座り込んだり、土いじりをしたり、 あげくにはその手を直 接口に突っ込んだりします。私の子どもがそうです。なぜなら、 歯の生 え変わり期で、揺れる歯が気になって仕方がないからです。 なので、子 どもに、「数値が高いので注意しましょう」 などと言っても無意味なの です。疎開させなければなりません。すでに、 福島県の浜通りと中通り は全体が子どものいる環境ではないと思います。 この独自調査は、ただ結果を公表しているだけで、 この数字を越えた らどうするという指針がありません。 いまそれを福島県が文科省に対し て求めているのですが、文科省は福島県に対して、なんと「 20ミリシー ベルト/年」が屋内退避の目安だと回答する方針だというのです! national/news/20110409- OYT1T00912.htm?from=tw  これは、もはや一般の原発労働者並みの被曝許容上限です。 正気とは 思えません。端的に、子どもを「避難させないため」の指針です。 先の福島市の小学校の数字ですが、単純に5マイクロ/ 時として計算 すると、年換算ですでに44ミリシーベルトに達します。しかも、 外部被 曝と内部被曝の合計ということを考えれば、 100ミリシーベルト/年ぐ らいの被曝量なのです! どうしてこれが児童に対して許容されるのか 理解できません。 すでに退避指示水準をはるかに超えていると思います。 (他の小学校を見ても、いずれも異常な高さです。 また隣接する宮城県 南部と茨城県北部もそれ...

Translators and Proofreaders needed

 Japan Civil Net and the Cabinet Office for Volunteer Support are looking to provide more information in English and need your help Translators - Japanese to English mostly。 please let me know if you are interested and i will introduce you to the appropriate persons. Proofreaders: Native users of English with a good sense of English writing for PR and outreach. * Please note that the translation to date is good but communicate in a Japanese manner. The materials in final versions (web info, press releases)  are not to be chokuyaku but to convey the information to nonJapanese readers. * Most of this work will be done online.  * thanks for your comments! i have sent the first 10 to JCN and i will send the next responses to  the Tasukeai office .... keep contacting me if you have some time to help out!


Google Person Finder Google has launched its Person Finder for the Japan Earthquake. Users can input information about someone in the service or search it to see if any information is available about someone who might have been impacted by the tsunami. NTT Docomo Safety Response One of Japan's mobile-phone providers is allowing users to input a loved one's mobile phone number into a search to confirm the safety of that person. KDDI Disaster Message Board Similar to NTT Docomo's service, the KDDI Disaster Message Board lets people place messages on its service to find out about a loved one's condition. That loved one's safety can then be confirmed via mobile phone or on a PC. Softbank Message Board Softbank's Message Board mimics KDDI's service, allowing users to post a message to loved ones, which can then be viewed on the person's mobile phone. They can respond from that device to confirm they're safe. Japan Shelter Map A Goo...

one of my "favorites" messages on a donation site:

i was surprised to read this on a site ... We make no warranty that any information obtained by you as a result of your use of this site will be accurate, reliable or legitimate. If you make a donation through any entities and/or linked sites which this site introduces from time to time, you expressly understand and agree that you shall make such donation at your sole risk.    AND i should believe any thing on your site because ...?

Basic info on the gienkin donations in English

Below is an out line from a TV PROGRAM I saw on Friday morning (4/8)about the monies raised and later simple info from NHK on the distributions plans decided on Friday April 8. Gienkin donations 130,000,000,000yen from a wide array of sources Sports figures businesses figures and celebrities For example: Softbank’s Mr. Son 100,000,000,000 personal donation + corp. SMAP 4,000,000,000yen Donations boxes are everywhere Karaoke rooms Convenience stores Sports events All types of shops People give as they feel there is nothing else they can do Poll in central Tokyo 93% said they gave some gienkin But where is the money going???? Words for donation in Japanese – not well understood by the public 義援金 Gienkin – money will be given in cash to survivors 支援金 Shienkin – money will be used for support services 寄付金 kifu kin  - general donations カンパ Kampa – general donations, like in a change box Huge amount of money has been given but none given to the people yet April 6   total Gienkin...

TELL is hiring a Disaster Relief Coordinator - apply today!

TELL Disaster Relief Coordinator Native speaking bilingual Japanese with fluent English skills wanted for a temporary full time contract to assist with TELL’s disaster relief coordination efforts.   Excellent organization skills, ability to network and interface with multiple stakeholders and excellent communication skills needed. Mental health, social work, or public health background desirable but not required. TELL is an accredited non-profit organization that has been providing confidential Support to the international and Japanese community for almost 40 years. Please contact Linda Semlitz, MD Executive Officer and Clinical Director