Another top 10 list
I recently read this top 10 list from a small business group that focuses on getting people moving in growing their own companies. I thought most of these were also useful for people in the nonprofit community. Here is the nonprofit version of 10 effective ways to grow your business – newly titled 10 effective ways to develop your community organization: 1. Accomplish needs then wants Know how many of your working hours are actually moving you towards your goals. Often we get caught up in unnecessary things like requests to distribute info for another group or do some thing that seems very important to one particular board member. Staff can get burned out by spending much time on things that are not really related to the objectives of their project – sus out how to stream line extras 2. Kiss – keep it simple stupid As an org grows it can be easy to get caught up in activities that are quite peripheral to your work. Keep focused on the mission and your objectives. 3. Take control over t...